𝟎𝟎𝟑; Operation include robin

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╰┈ chapter three; operation include robin

╰┈➤ chapter three; operation include robin

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── •• ──

Viola's head was hurting. She could feel a headache coming along, the recorded voice which was playing on Dustin's recorder becoming more irritating with each time it played.

She sat with her chin in her hand, opposite Dustin who was squinting as he tried to figure out what the man said. Steve was behind Viola, eating a banana as he paced.

After almost two hours of non-stop playing, Dustin turned the recorder off. "So what do you think?" He asked.

Steve shrugged. "It sounded familiar."


"The music. The music right there at the end."

"Why are you listening to the music, Steve? Listen to the Russian, we're translating Russian!" Said Dustin, clearly fed up with the teenager. Viola didn't blame him, they had wasted tons of time in the back room.

"I'm trying to listen to the Russian, but there's music–" he was interrupted by Robin who stormed into the room, ripping her hat off her head.

"All right, babysitting time is over." She walked further into the room, spotting what Steve did fo her board. "Hey, my board. That was important data, shitbirds."

Viola pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows. "I guarantee you, what we're doing is way more important than your data."

"Yeah? And how do you know these Russians are up to no good anyways?"

Considering what Robin said, Viola nodded. "You know, she does have a point–"

Dustin turned to Steve and Viola, completely dumbfounded. "How does she know about the Russians?"

"I don't know." Replied Steve.

"You told her about the Russians?"

"No, what wasn't me?"

"Wasn't me either." Viola said, raising her hands into the air.

"Hello, I can hear you." Robin said. "Actually, I can hear everything. You and Steve are extremely loud. Viola, not so much but I have seen her get angry before and trust me you do not want to be at the receiving end of her punches."

Viola raised her eyebrows. "Hey! The douchebag deserved it! I was going a favour for that girl... anyways that's not important."

"You think you have evil Russians plotting against our country, on tape and you're trying to translate but haven't figured out a single word because you didn't realise Russians use an entirely different alphabet than we do?" Dustin, Viola and Steve shared a look. "Sound about right?"

Robin went to grab the recorder that was placed on the middle of the table, leaning over Viola as she did so. Her hair ticked Viola's neck and the strawberry blonde looked down.

Steve lunged forward, grabbing the recorder before Robin did. "Woah! What do you think you're doing?"

"I wanna hear it."

"Why?" Said Steve and Dustin simultaneously and Viola face palmed.

"'Cause maybe I can help. I'm fluent in four languages, you know."

"Russian?" Questioned Dustin.

Robin leaned forward. "Ou-yay are-yay umb-day."

Steve and Dustin laughed, impressed. "Holy shit!" Exclaimed the latter.

"That was pig Latin, dingus."

Viola snorted at the boy's foolishness. If they had actually listened they would've realised that sounded nothing like the Russian they had on the recording.

Steve slapped Dustin who looked up. "Idiot."

"I can speak Spanish and French and Italian, and I've been in band for twelve years. My ears are little geniuses, trust me."

Viola leaned back in her chair, a smirk growing on her features. "She's in. Let's get to translating, shall we?"

Steve hummed in disaproval, still nervous about letting another person into the operation. Viola was actually going to kill him if he was worried about Robin 'stealing all the glory'.

"Come on, it's your turn to sling ice cream, my turn to translate. I don't even want credit. I'm just bored." Just as Robin finished her mini-speech, the bell dinged at the counter.

Steve rolled his eyes and traded the recorder in his hand for Robin's ice cream scooper.

── •• ──

"You okay?" Robin asked as she took in Viola's state.

Over the course of an hour, Viola's appearance became more disheveled the more she felt like she was losing her mind.

"Fine." She quickly answered before standing up and nearly losing balance. "I'm just going to get some oxygen. Y'know the air in here is really stuffy." She shrugged it off.

Without waiting for an answer, Viola made her way out of the mall, leaning against a lamppost as she placed a hand on her forehead. Ever since November '93, her headaches had gotten worse and the amount of sleep she was getting kept on dwindling until some nights she would stare at her wall.

"You okay?" Another voice asked and she opened her eyes, looking down. It was Will Byers, who had Lucas Sinclair And Mike Wheeler behind him. "It's just... you're Dustin's cousin aren't you? You didn't look good and I wanted to check upon you– not that I'd not check up on you if you weren't Dustin's cousin but–"

Viola chuckled despite the pain is brought her. Why did she feel like she was watching a film through her eyes whilst she sat chained and unable to move? Her body and mouth were moving on their own accord. "I'm fine. Just a migrane is all." She glanced at Lucas and Mike who stood there awkwardly. "Y'know, Dustin was pissed that you three ditched him."

"You've talked to him?!"

Raising an eyebrow, Viola smirked. "Maybe, maybe not. Leave it to your own perceptions to decide." She peeled her body off the lamp post and walked back to the mall.

── •• ──


I finished this chapter whilst dying. I'm British and not used to 39° heat

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, Robin BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now