making friends

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s.t.e.m gays
11 people
3:56 am

kenma kozume added shoyo hinata

akaashi: first of all, its 4am
second of all, hes not even in
a stem major

kenma: hes my best friend
and ur an english major
suck it

kuroo: ouch

y/n: akaashi you say its 4am
as if you arent awake as well

akaashi: well why are you awake?
and who even are you, im sure
you could benefit from some sleep

kenma: yea y/n

akaashi: you to kenma.
and you kuroo.


y/n: i am deeply wounded akaashi

akaashi: how do you know my name?

y/n: maybe you could benefit
from some sleep to.
thats ur account name dummy

akaashi: maybe youre right..

kuroo: 😐
so why do they get special treatment?

y/n: because im smart

kenma: just because youre in a ton
of advanced classes doesnt mean your smart
mister "i passed with below average and
almost failed but didnt because i passed
my finals" 🙄

kuroo: kenma you do that


y/n: i could pass with flying colors
but i just choose not to

kuroo: would it hurt to put a
slight amount of effort in???

kenma: absolutely

y/n: no and yes

akaashi: isnt that a yes or no question?

y/n: um um um

kenma: tbh i dont blame him
english isnt his strong suit 😏

y/n: whats 1 x 1

kenma: do. not. start. that.
i will hunt you down

kuroo: huh?

y/n: kenma thought 1 x 1 was 2 once

akaashi: how are you in stem kenma

kenma: technology is stem,
deal with it

kuroo: im going to bed
this is to much rn

y/n: if i sleep i wont wake
up for chem tmrw

kuroo: u take chem?
is it chem 180?

y/n: yuh but idk what the teachers name is
ngl ive never known my teachers name in
any class, ive never needed to know it.

kuroo: so what ur telling me,
is try to look for you tmrw in class

y/n: no, in fact you should forget i existed.

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