be mine?

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~scoops ahoy~

"who, and i won't ask again, do you work for?" the man asked me. "i already TOLD YOU," i yelled. "i work at scoops ahoy in the mall," i said for the millionth time. "why don't you just let me and my friends go, and we'll act like we never saw you," i said. "jesus, she's a fiesty one," the man laughed. "let me the fuck out if this chair you ugly bastard," i said and kicked him in the balls. "you are going to regret that," he said. "no i won't, i really won't," i said and smiled at him before he punched me in the face.

i licked my lip and it was bleeding and i almost laughed. i smiled at him and kicked him again. "i wanna see my friends," i said. "as you wish," he said and dragged me by the hair into a different room. i saw steve and robin and robin was untouched. i went right over to steve and he was completely beat up. "steve, steve are you okay? what did you do to him?!" i said. "steve can you hear me?" i said. they grabbed us and tied us all to a chair. "steve wake up," robin said. "steve come on!" i said. "what did you do?" robin yelled.

a man walked over and grabbed steve's head. "don't touch him!" robin and i said. "i think your friend need a doctor," he said. "lucky for you, we have the very best," he said and got up in robins face. robin spit in his face and he wiped it off and stared at her. "you are going to regret that suka," he said. "bastards!" robin yelled. "come back you shitbrains!" i yelled as they walked out. "BASTARDS LET US OUT!" robin yelled and they slammed the door shut. "fucking pricks," i said.

robin and i sat in silence until we heard steve mumble. "steve! steve are you okay?" i said. "my ears are ringing and i can't really breathe and my eye feels like it's gonna pop out of my skull but you know, other than that i'm doing pretty good," he said. "well the good news is, they're calling you a doctor," i said and heard him softly laugh. "is this their work place? i love the vibe," he said and robin and i laughed. they walked back in and took robin. "NO! bring her back you assholes!" i yelled and they slammed the door again.

"fuck," i sighed. "okay, you see that table to your right?" i asked. he looked left. "no other right," i said and he looked to the right. "and you see those scissors?" i asked. "uh huh," he said. "well i was thinking if we can move over there i can kick the table and knock them into your hands," i said. "yeah then i can cut the binds, those morons they left scissors in here?" he said. "total morons," i laughed.  "okay we can hop on three," i said. "one two three," i said. we hopped and it worked. we hopped again and we both laughed. we hopped again but this time we fell right to the ground. i started laughing. "don't cry blake it's okay," he said and i laughed even harder.

"are you laughing right now?" he asked. "i'm sorry i'm sorry, i can't help it, it's just, i can't believe i'm gonna die in a russian lab with steve harrington knowing i'll never get that date we planned," i said and sighed. "we're not gonna die okay?" he said and i  took a deep breath. "steve," i whispered. "i don't wanna die knowing i never got to go on the date," i said. "then let's scratch the date, let's date right now," he said. "what?" i laughed as my eyes started to water. "be mine blake," he said. "are you serious?" i asked. "111% positive, be my girlfriend blakely rayne henderson," he said. "okay," i said. "okay?" he asked. "okay," i laughed and my tear fell out of my eye.

"i'm gonna get us out of here and i'm gonna take you on that date you hear me?" he said. "i hear you," i said. "do you remember the day i moved to california?" i asked. "uhhh," he said. "i didn't expect you too, but that day, when i was putting everything into the moving truck, i saw you at the park, sitting on top of the monkey bars with your friends," i said. "they all were laughing and having fun, but you looked my way and it was like the world stopped, i wanted to walk over to you and tell you goodbye," i said.

"but instead i left bubba, my bear, on the side of the road hoping that once i left you'd see him and go grab him, remember the play dates we had i mean i was like 7 so it was stupid, but i left it there and i left, acting like we were never best friends," i said. "wait, i remember now, once you left i was walking home and i saw your bear, i took it home and told my mom you forgot it but she didn't care enough to tell your dad, i've had bubba ever since," he said. "serious?" i asked. "serious," he said. i just laughed. "i should've just said goodbye," i said.

"well goodbye means you won't see me again, so i'm glad you didn't, cause look where we are now," he said. "in a russian lab tied up?" i asked. "no," he laughed. "dating... and also tied up in a russian lab," he said and i laughed but the door opened. the russians walked back in with robin and they picked us up. "where do you think you're going?" he asked us. he started touching steve's hair and leaned down. "now tell us the truth," he said. "and you won't have such a hard time with the doctor,"

the doctor started walking over with something blue. "wait wait wait what is that thing?" steve asked. "it will help you talk," he said and put it in steve's neck. they put it in me and robins necks next and left. "i don't feel anything," steve said. "i feel fine," i said. "me too," robin said. "i kinda feel good," steve said and we all started laughing. "wanna know a secret?" robin asked laughing. "i like it too!" she said. "me too! twins!" i laughed. "morons they messed up the drug," steve said. "morons!" i said and we all kept laughing. "hey morons!" robin yelled. "morons!" we all yelled. "WOAH," steve said. "there is definitely something wrong with us," robin said. "yeah somethings wrong," i laughed.

the door buzzed and they came back in and started getting pliers and things like that out of a box. "let's try this again, yes?" the man said and we all nodded. "who do you work for?" he asked. "scoops, scoops ahoy," steve laughed and me and robin did the same. "how did you find us?" he asked. "totally by accident," steve said. "my little brother was trying to talk to his girlfriend and heard you china silver cat message," i said as we all kept laughing.  "more lies," he said. the doctor grabbed scissors and started walking up to steve, grabbing his scissors. "woah woah woah woah!" steve said. "there was a code!" robin yelled. "what code?" he asked. "the week is long, the silver cat feeds, when blue meets yellow in the west blah blah blah," she said.  "you broadcast that stupid spy shit all over town,"

"we picked it up on our cerebro and cracked it in a day," i said. "you think you're SO smart but a couple of kids who scoop ice cream for a living cracked your code in a day and now people know you're here," robin said. "who knows we're here suka?" he asked. "uh well dustin knows," steve said. "uh steve!" i said. "yeah dustin henderson he knows," steve said. "STEVE!" i yelled "dustin henderson, is it your small curly-haired friend?" he asked. "steve STOP TALKING!" i yelled over him. "where is he?" the man asked. "oh he's king gone you big asshole," steve said. "and he's probably calling hopper and hoppers calling the US cavalry, they're gonna come in here commando style guns a-blazin and kick your sorry asses back to russia,"

"is that so?" he asked. "yes," i laughed. we heard an alarm go off and we started laughing even more. dustin and erica walked in and tased the doctor. "hey henderson that's crazy i was just talkin' about you," steve said. "get ready to run," dustin said as he and erica untied us and we very badly ran to where they said and got in the back of the cart they stole. dustin started driving and was going so fast. "slow down!" steve said. "yeah what is this the indy 500?" robin asked. "no the indy 300," steve said. "no dingus it's 300!" robin said. "500!" steve said. "a million!" i yelled and we all started laughing. i tipped over and fell onto robins lap as we came to a stop.

"get out let's go!" dustin yelled and i crawled forward and rolled out of the cart. steve and robin following. as we scrambled to our feet dustin opened the elevator and we ran in. steve got on a a trolley and robin moved it while i danced. "they're acting like their drunk," erica said. "why would they be drunk?" dustin asked as steve fell on the ground. "STEEEVEEEEE," i yelled and he crawled over to me. "hi," he said and i grabbed his hair. "cloudy," i laughed. dustin felt steve's forehead. "he's burning," he said. "and his pupils are super dilated,"

"maybe he's drugged," erica said. "steve are you on drugs?" dustin asked. "how many times dad? i don't do drugs its only marijuana," steve said. "dusty poo," i said and grabbed his arm. "they put weird blue stuff in our necks and it hurt because it was a needle," i said. "i thought it was a slushee but it wasn't," i frowned. "do you know where steve's car is?" dustin asked. "i can show you," i nodded. "uh oh," steve said. "what?" dustin asked. "cars off the board," he said. "what?" dustin repeated. "they took the keys the russians they took the keys," steve said. "like forever ago, that's a bummer right?" he laughed.

i laughed and me and robin both kept laughing more and more. when the elevator got to the top we walked out and sighed. "oh my god that tastes so good! can you guys taste the air?" robin asked. "i taste it!" steve and i both said. "oh shit," dustin said and grabbed us. "why are we running?" steve laughed.

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