That's your last straw. You get up out of bed and start rummaging in your closet for money. You pull on an oversized hoodie and some shorts along with some old rusty sneakers, take your phone, AirPods and the money you just got out of your closet before heading out of your room. You make your way to the elevator, hoping you can just leave without anyone noticing. To your disappointment you don't stay unnoticed as someone you haven't met yet steps into the elevator. Her black hair is tied into a rather messy ponytail and she's wearing some purple jacket that you wouldn't ever even consider wearing. Suddenly she speaks: „You must be Y/N! I'm Kate Bishop, but you can just call me whatever you want, sadly i don't have any real cool nicknames though. It's really nice to meet you and I'm so glad you finally left your roo-" You interrupt her right then and there.  „Yes I am. I don't care who you are. I'm going out and doing something I shouldn't do and if you tell anyone you're dead." You had no idea how to actually hurt anyone, hell you couldn't even throw a punch, let alone kill anyone. But you're living with the Avengers, and she wouldn't know, right? But against all of your expectations she just said: „Well, can I join? Haven't done anything fun in a while. Living with the avengers is no fun. These other kids, like Wanda, Pietro and Peter are really nice, but they're no fun at all. They just keep on worrying. Especially Wanda. I don't know what I've done to her, but she keeps on telling me she already has a best friend. Ive just never seen that best friend, you know? She's probably a weird loner? But with her histo-" again you interrupt her rambling. „Don't ever say a bad word about Wanda ever again. I'm the best friend. I can't stop you from coming, but don't expect us to be friends after what sentence you were about to say about her." You snap, your voice growing louder every word. The elevator dings and you start walking out slowly, grinding your teeth.

Again, this Kate surprises you by quietly follwing you. You look around the garage, taking a random key, pressing the unlock button. A black 2009 Jaguar XK8 opens up and You make your way directly to it and getting in. Kate does the same. I start the engine and drive off, having an exact destination in mind.

Once you arrived in Brooklyn Kate started giving you concerned looks. You haven't spoken a word since your small outburst in the elevator and you're taking her to a pretty shady neighbourhood. She probably thinks you're making good on your earlier threat.
„I'm not going to kill you Karo. Relax." You use a wrong name on purpose. „My name is Kate." she mutters, her voice barely above a whisper. „Look I'm sorry about what I said earlier. Where are we even going?" she added. „An old friend of mine. And then to some bars, or clubs around here. Or are you chickening out?" She shakes her head as you're continuing your drive. Soon a message plops up. It's from Natasha. You give Kate your phone. „What does it say, Kate?" You ask, emphasising her name.

The girl smiles before reading the message out loud. „I quote: 'Where the hell are you Y/N? You shut everyone out for weeks just to vanish? Please just tell me you're safe.' Wow, are you and Natasha close? Never heard her sound so upset. And this is just a text message." You shake your head as your phone dings again. „Oh another one!" The black haired girl speaks before she continues reading. „'Please, Y/N! I'm worried. So is Wanda. And don't get me started on Tony. he's looking everywhere for you and this Kate, even though I doubt she's with you. Just tell me you're alright please. Our secrets still safe with me :)' Oh what secret?" You shake your head. „Stop prying, keep reading." The other girl laughs before she does as told: „Fine. 'I can't keep it if I can't be sure you're somewhere safe and not with her.' Her who?"
You stop the car at your destination and rip your phone out of Kates hand before telling Natasha that you're fine and that you're in Brooklyn and to stop worrying. You weren't quite friendly in your message, but it didn't matter to you right now. You just wanted to get rid of this emptiness inside of you, distract yourself from your pain.

"Come on, K. We've got to go. Sharon's waiting for us, and she hates for people to be late." You get up and out of the car and wait for Kate before locking it. „Who's Sharon?" She asks, but instead of replying you just start walking. Soon it all wouldn't matter anymore anyways.

A bit later you find yourself sitting in Sharon's apartment. She's currently rolling a joint and you can't wait for her to finish. Kate looks at you nervously. „You don't have to actually take anything Katie. You can just drink or stay sober, even better. Then you can drive us home later." You say. Sharon nods in agreement. „Yeah, I can offer you anything and I promise you it would be your loss. But you don't have to." You glare at Sharon for even offering Kate anything. You might've given up your life, but you wouldn't be her ticket into addiction. Kate looks unsure but still speaks with ease. „I'm fine with pot. Ive done it countless times. But i won't take anything else." You nod.  „I will." You state calmly. „Just so you know." Now its her turn to nod.

Sharon lights the joint and you all pass it around, easing into conversations and even some laughter. After smoking the first half you already start rolling another, whereas Karen takes out a baggy with white powder. A smile is plastered onto your face immediately, without even knowing what that bag contains. Sharon just looks at you and mouths „Ketamine." And your smile grows even wider. She prepares your lines and after finishing the joint you inhale as much ketamine into your nose as you can. You enjoy it running down to your throat, even tho it just tastes gross. Kate still seems unsure, but you couldn't care less at the moment. You just feel happy and content, as you three start talking again. You and Sharon catch up, and even though she's the one who got you into contact with drugs, you care about her, about what happened in her life.
You kept talking, smoking and consuming the Ketamine until a vehement knocking started echoing from the hallway. You glance at Sharon, the look of panic spread across her face. Kate looks like she's almost crying and seems scared, so you decide its best if you open the door. You look and feel like a lifeless shell, so how much worse could it get for you?

You open the door, and now you're the one panicking. It's none other than Natasha Romanoff standing in front of your plugs home. „Natasha?" You barely believe your eyes. Maybe Sharon got a baggy mixed up. You reach out to touch her hand, to make sure she's real. Your heart is beating faster, feeling happy and scared at the same time. „You're really here, aren't you?" You whisper before looking up into her deep green eyes. They are filled with so much sadness. Instead of replying to you, she pushes past you into the small, dirty apartment. „Kate! Out now! Get into the car!" She bellows. Then she turns to Sharon. Her eyes widen for a moment, before realisation hits her. „Agent 13? You cannot be serious." Natasha's eyes narrow and she's balling her fist. She seems angry.

„You're a trained Shield-Agent! Yet you're here, giving minors drugs? What the hell is wrong with you?" She's screaming and stomps closer to Sharon, slightly raising her fist. You're scared. You have never seen Natasha this angry. But she wouldn't hit her, would she? You back away, memories of your Mother surfacing. But instead of getting violent she stops in front of the blonde and lowers her hand. „What happened to you Sharon? You need to get help. There are many people who can and would love to help you. You just need to let them." Her voice was quiet and soft now aswell.
Natasha gives Sharon her number as you just watch them both in awe. Natasha knew Sharon? And she offered her help? This woman is incredible. Instead of judging Sharon, she decided to look past her anger and see how miserable the woman is doing. She decided to help. A small smile spreads across your lips and your heart starts beating slightly faster.
This redhead is going to be the death of you and you know it.

A/N: Many of you wanted an update so here it is. It's not particularly a good one, but it is one nonetheless.
Maybe a bit fast paced im sorry for that. Also there will be more Natasha in the next chapter. I just wanted to actually show how much Y/N lost herself and how she's really feeling. Ill dig more into it in the next chapter aswell. Nat and Y/N will have a long conversation after Y/N sobers up,or even before. Who knows? ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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