Jake closed his eyes.

"I don't know about you, but I'd rather be mori'd than have The Entity play darts with my torso," He stated, tilting his head to face Kate.

He opened an eye, watching as her face pulled into a grimace.

"God Jake, that's such a gross way to say that, don't!" She breathed, turning her head back to the book in her lap and continuing to write.

Jake wasn't sure what she was working on, but he assumed it was a song. Typically, the two of them would sit in silence, but it became increasingly difficult to focus on much of anything with some asshole egging them, or in this case, him specifically, on.

Worse, he couldn't do much of anything about it unless he wanted to hide in his tent until Jacket Boy went home, and truthfully? Jake didn't want to give him the satisfaction of making him annoyed enough to leave.

"What's that one's name, anyway?" Jake heard Kate ask, and he feverishly tried wracking his brain to remember that particular Legion member's name.

"There's... Julie, Susie, Joey, and... I think his name is Franklin? Or something like that, it's very old fashioned compared to the others, though. I wonder if he's the oldest."

Jake wasn't good with names, he never had been, and he would still mess up names of survivors. Thankfully, the Legion sometimes wore clothing with their initials embroidered on them so you could, at times, see what each person's name started with.

As long as they didn't switch clothing for fun or anything, which, come to think of it, he was almost certain they probably did. How did he even know it was the same one giving him a hard time? It wasn't like he could make out any details other than his jacket.

Jake sat up as he heard Kate coughing, conscience ripping from his thoughts. His eyes widened as he realized just what she was choking on.

He supposed he shouldn't have been surprised as the thick fog began rolling in- signifying that he and Kate had been chosen for a trial.

As he mentally prepared himself, he stared back across the water, watching as the same fog encompassed the man in the red jacket.

"Oh boy, looks like we can just ask him what his name is!" He said, as a coy smile curled on his lips.

The last thing he saw was Kate rolling her eyes before the white tiles of Léry's Memorial Institute flashed into existence.

Jake's legs pumped faster and faster as he sprinted down the hallways of Léry's.

So far, he had yet to be caught by Franklin, as he was so affectionately calling him, but they weren't quite finished with all of the generators they needed to be.

Usually Kate was considered the looper of the group, able to more than keep the pace given her dance training growing up, but of course, Mr. Punk was now following him around. He was sure Kate was injured somewhere, but he didn't exactly have time right now to look.

"Will you fuck off, Franklin?"

Jake's screams echoed through the corridor as he slammed a pallet down in front of the Killer with a loud crack.

A guttural roar came from Franklin, but he seemed to be tired of chasing him, not bothering to shatter the pallet before turning around.

He knew the question was rhetorical- Jake didn't think all of the Killers liked being there, but he was sure some of them did.

Did this one, this freak, like killing?

Or was it something he was forced to do?

With the way he acted, Jake wasn't so sure anymore.

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