Good Riddance

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Soulmate: A person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament. Two souls believed to cross both time and space to be reunited with one another.

Jake Park had never found himself to be the romantic type.

In his experiences, and opinion, vulnerability was just a weakness- something to be exploited, or used, and it was always something he felt hindered him.

While he tried to be kind and caring, he didn't waste time with letting people get to know him on a personal level, and it made sense given his upbringing.

Jake's father wasn't much into sharing about his past, and it worked for him- thankfully it seemed it worked for Jake, too.

But in all of his guardedness, he grew lonely.

So lonely, in fact, that by the time he was taken by The Entity, he had cut out basically everyone he knew.

He never would have guessed that he'd find friendships once transported to his own personal Hell, but here he was, and it was as it was.

Though nothing could have ever prepared him for what else was in store.

"He's still over there, Kate," Jake spat, dark eyes fixated on the punk in the red jacket across the lake from them.

Every so often the man would wave in their direction, but for the most part, he just kept pacing from one end of the shore to the other.

It was mostly just intimidation, Jake thought. The Killers couldn't get past the invisible barriers put up by The Entity (or they were able to, and just had some code, which Jake doubted given the circumstances), but lately, this fucking asshole hadn't left him alone in his free time.

Jake didn't know what he'd done to piss this one off, or how he was able to be out of his realm for so long, but here he was, and it was driving him absolutely insane. Jake liked to believe himself to be a patient man. He didn't want to start trouble with anyone he didn't have to, especially not one he couldn't fight back, but God Damn, was this grating.

If only he could figure out what this guy's fucking problem was.

Annoyance can make a man act out of character.

Jake did the most rational thing he could think of. Extending a finger, he flipped him off, earning a stifled laugh and a swat on the arm from one of his closest friends, Kate. The man parroted the gesture with both of his arms, and Jake had to admit it made him smile.

"He's gonna Mori you next trial, Jake, don't," The blonde sighed, furrowing her brows and scrawling something out in a frayed notebook.

Truthfully, Jake wasn't worried about that.

For some reason, while this member of the Legion had sacrificed and hooked him, he'd never killed him himself- at least not in a long time. If he had before, he didn't remember it, anyway.

The other members of the feral college student gang had absolutely destroyed him, but this one, the one in the red jacket with the gaudy tattoos more or less left him alone these days aside from whatever he was trying to accomplish here.

And for some reason, Jake felt that avoiding mori's was something he shouldn't admit to out loud, so he just gave a shrug, leaning back into the grass and staring up at the starless sky.

He wished he could remember what stars looked like- ones that weren't artificially created by some monster. It reminded him how fucked up his situation was, with the way the darkness seemed to swallow you whole the longer you looked into it.

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