Never get caught

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Randall was laying down in the bed of the trunk, complaining how nobody was paying attention to him.

I closed my journal and set it down, along with my pen. "Are you done now?" He whines, looking at my journal on the trunk.

I turned to him, sitting with my legs crossed. "Yea Yea I'm done." His face lit up with a big grin while he sat up.

"Good. Let's go do something I'm bored." "Pink we can't do anything. We're skipping class. If we get caught then we have to stay after school and we'll miss the haze."

"I thought you didn't like the haze." He jumped down from the truck, holding his hands out for me. "I do like it. I just think it's stupid."

I took his hands and jumped down. "Come on live a little Davis." He held one of my hands while walking back to the school.

"I'd rather not if it means getting busted by my parents" He rolled his eyes and dragged me next to the bathrooms, where Slater hangs out.

Don't ask why. We don't know either.

Randall let go of my hand when him and Slater did their stupid handshake. Slater smiled big when he saw me.

You could tell he was already high. Well he's always high. Slater pulled me into a big hug.

I love his hugs. I don't know why they just feel right. I hugged him back, tight.

We pulled back after a second. "So man, what's been going on?" Slater say, reaching in his pocket.

"Well we have the Haze man. We're skipping class right now cause it's the last day and you know. Fuck math class." Randall said, chuckling at the last part. 

Slater grinned. "Yea fuck math class. Fuck school. Fuck the man." I rolled my eyes and turned the other way, taking a step.

Randall chuckled and grabbed my wrist, pulling me back.  "Don't be a sour puss." I slightly glared at him before we all broke into laughter.

I heard keys jangling from down the hallway and footsteps. "Oh shit. It's the principal..." Pink and Slater both stopped and listened for a second.

The principal turned the corner and locked eyes with us. "What are you three doing out here?!" He yelled. Slater grabbed one of my hands and Pink grabbed the other, beginning to run the other way.

I laughed as I ran with them. "Hey you get back here!" We heard him yell. We slide and turned the corner running into one of the empty classrooms.

Pink shut and locked the door. We turned around to see none other then Don, Pickford and his girlfriend Michelle.

"Got caught skipping class to huh?" Don said with a big grin on his face. We all three nodded.

"We're hiding from the principal till the period is over." I said, walking to an empty table next to Don and sitting on it.

He made kissy faces at me while grinning. I looked at pink and shook my head. Pink smiled and me and leaned against the wall.

Don moved tables around and positioned them for him to have a space to lay down. He laid on them, laying his head on my thigh.

We don't like each other. I can promise you that. Plus he has a girlfriend. All of our friends do this stuff. The guys mostly.

Slater and Pickford rolled a joint. Of course. "Guys they can probably smell that two classrooms down you idiots." They both looked at me, continuing to light it.

Everyone took turns around the room, taking a hit of the joint. They may be idiots but I will never refuse a joint.

"Hey uh..." Don coughed from the smoke. "What time is it?"

Everyone looked at their wrist for a watch. I was the only one wearing a watch.

"2 o'clock" I said looking at him. Don grinned and sat up.

"Let's go warn those 8th grade sons of bitches." Me, don, and Pink all went to the door.

"Give em hell!" Pickford yelled. "Hell yea we will!" Don cheered as we ran out of the classroom, bolting to Benny's pick up truck.

And hell they were about to get.

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