"Not letting you freeze."

"But won't you be cold?"

Kaitlyn was now in a grey long-sleeved shirt. She shook her head.

"I'm perfectly fine."

"Thanks. Both of you."

You gave Ryan a small smile before directing the same at Kaitlyn. You took the yellow hoodie gratefully and slipped it on over your head. The hoodie was a crop top and short sleeved but it was still better than running around with nothing on you.

"Hope that helps."

"Thanks. Now let's get back."

Kaitlyn took your spot at the head of the wheelbarrow and Ryan got out of the way. She started pushing Nick, earning another sound of pain but you thought he sounded a little better than the first few times. You walked on Kaitlyn's right, Abi on her left, with Dylan on your own right and Ryan taking the lead in front of all of you. He held the gun firmly, holding it up and using the light to illuminate the path.

As you started your return to the lodge, you tried not to think about the supposed blood clinging to your face and how cold the bottom half of your body felt in only your underwear. You didn't know what to do with yourself in the silence as well, fidgeting with your fingers. Occasionally, your hand would brush up against Dylan's, but you never really took his hand.

Fuck this night

"What exactly happened (Y/N)?"

Kaitlyn asked.

"Exactly what I said happened. I found Jacob at the boathouse and we comforted each other for a little before I suggested going for a dip. We went to get towels and, of course, there weren't any." You tactfully left out the details of the conversation you'd had about Nick and Emma. That was between you and Jacob. You then remembered the strange shadow you'd seen in the window of the treehouse.

"Uh...There was this creepy shadow in the window of the treehouse on the island, weird dark figure stuff. Kinda hard to believe that was a coincidence after the night we've had."

"What?" Kaitlyn sounded alarmed. "I saw something spooky up there earlier when I was preparing the firepit too."

"Wait, so you both saw some shadowy figure in the treehouse on the island?" Dylan asked. You nodded to confirm. "Yeah, there has to be someone there then."

"Creepy guy who attacked Jacob and (Y/N)'s hideout maybe?"

Ryan questioned.

"Could be. Anyway, Jacob and I swam for a little and-"

Suddenly, the memory of the bloated corpse you'd seen in the lake came back to you.

"Holy shit, I can't believe I haven't even mentioned this before but I found a dead fucking body in the lake."

This time, everyone stopped walking.

"Like...An actual dead body?"

Ryan asked.

"Oh no, just one of the two missing counsellors coming over to surprise us and playing dead- Yes an actual dead body Ryan!"

"Sorry, dumb question."


"Why was that there though?"

Abi asked.

"Well either Mr H is committing crimes in his free time or something really fucked up is going on. Either way, Mr H's gonna have a lot to explain tomorrow morning."

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