I walked to the room he assigned me, noticing that the only thing that had changed was the quality. The wooden desk had a thousand scratches and scribbles that matched the ones on the stool provided from students doing anything they could to keep busy. The bed had a much thinner mattress than those in the dorms, but I doubt I'll do much sleeping in here. The room itself was bland; grey walls with a small window that shed a beacon of light onto the dark, wooden floor. I swear it was smaller than most jail cells.

We weren't allowed to bring any decorations, nothing but what was absolutely necessary and a few books if you had some. I've already read the ones I've grabbed, but I guess now I'll read the appendix, table of contents, and maybe even the footnotes to occupy my mind.

Even with other students here, socialization was kept to a minimum. We were allowed to talk during meals but that was it, sometimes students would talk through the vents in their rooms. I know some used to pass notes with a paperclip, but that was put to an end when the Administrators installed a camera in the common room.

This place has to have been empty for a while, either that or my brain forgot how stale and thick the air was.

"I'm not waiting all day, Ryan." Mr. Davis said, standing near the common room table, with a blank stare on his face.

I sat my bag down on the desk and took a deep breath before moving to the seat across from where he waited for me. He decided to remain standing, looking apprehensive to siphon some information out of me. 

There's a nervous bleeding in my head. From Mr. Davis' intimidating glare to the bright light fixated over us, the tension in the room was breakable like a toothpick. My pride was beginning to take over as I tried to mount a defense and remain calm, hoping I could talk my way either out of the room or into a quicker punishment. But my head was telling me how screwed I was.

"We've been watching you for the last few days; monitoring where you've dealt, and we found a significant amount of cash and contraband in your room." Shaking his head, he folded his arms across his chest. "All that, combined with the statement we got from another student, there's a compelling amount of evidence against you."

My eyebrows furrowed, "When did you search my room?"

"Last night during dinner. We had a member of staff go in and conduct a subtle, but thorough search."

"Oh." I smiled. "That's why we were allowed an extra dessert last night."

What a crock.

"Smoke bombs, bottle rockets, tanks...serious contraband that is dangerous not only to the property of Braxton but to the welfare of its students. You know this, everyone knows this, you also know that bartering and selling is not permitted because..."

"Everyone does it." I rolled my eyes. "Whether it's snacks, drinks or even random stuff like books, everyone here does it. I don't think I..." My voice suddenly disappeared when he took a step toward me, leaning forward.

"That is the only time you get to interrupt me," Darkness had consumed the color in his eyes and the tone in his voice had somehow turned colder. "do you understand me?"

Leaning back in my chair, desperate to distance myself as much as I could, I nodded. "Yes sir."

He assumed his original position across from me before continuing. I could tell he took a deep breath through his nostrils, trying to dissipate the anger he was harboring. And believe me, no one appreciated that more than I did.

"In light of your actions, Mr. Patry is recommending that your stay at Braxton be extended for another two-to-three months."

I heard what he said, but my head couldn't make any sense from it. Three months? No one's every received a one-time extension that long. I had only one strike on my record from that fight I got into with Jasper, but this...this isn't an offense worthy of two strikes! I could tell I looked like a deer in headlights; just stiff and silent.

Braxton Academyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें