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Start from the beginning

Voldemort grinned cat-like at her words, his tongue sticking out just the slightest from between his teeth.

For the rest of the boring meeting, Devon kept still. She did everything in her power to keep the attention off of herself. It was best to lay low for a bit.

When Voldemort finally left the room, Draco was the first to stand.

Devon snapped her head up, her eyes following his movements. He moved to behind her, pulling her chair back and extending a hand to her. Devon took it, lifting herself up. After Draco pushed the chair back under the table, the two made their exit from the room.

Draco started to pull them in the direction of his room, but Devon tugged on his hand, changing course to the library.

He went to protest, but she beat him to it. "It would look suspicious if we locked ourselves in your room immediately after."

Draco had a mischievous smirk on his face. "Oh yeah?"

"Not like that, Malfoy," Devon tutted as they walked through the doorway to the library.

Draco shrugged playfully as he leaned into his walk, pride rolling off of him in waves.

Devon found a corner in the library for them, sitting down against a bookshelf. Draco sat down across from her, their legs entangling with the other's with an upright position.

"The elder wand?" Draco starts off in a hushed voice.

Devon nods, completely agreeing with his unsaid opinion. "I know! What do we do now?"

Draco sits quietly, looking down, dazed and in thought.

"Look, Draco, we have to make up our minds quickly. If we stay on the fence for much longer, I fear suspicions will start to grow." Devon's leg starts to move up and down in anxiety, shaking uncontrollably.

Draco outstretched his hand absentmindedly, placing it on her knee. His thumb rubs up and down in a soothing gesture against her bare knee.

"We leave," he answers after another moment of silence.

Devon chokes on her spit. "What?!"

Her voice raised the slightest. The two look around to see if anyone was around. When they found no one, they focused back on each other.

"We leave," he repeats. "It makes total sense."

"Please. By all means. Explain to me how exactly that makes complete sense." Devon had a permanent shocked expression etched on her face.

"If we leave and hide ourselves until the dust settles, we don't have to choose whose side we're on. We stay neutral. Oh, come on, don't look at me and tell me that doesn't sound like a half-bad idea." Draco stared expectantly at her. His thumb hadn't stopped rubbing her knee comfortingly.

"Okay, hypothetically speaking," she starts off. Draco immediately quietly celebrates, thrusting his arms in towards him in victory before Devon could even finish. "Hypothetically, Draco. Let me finish. If we were to escape and hideaway. Who's to say Voldemort won't come to find us? Or your parents? And, where would we go? Do you have any connections out of Death Eaters? How would we leave and stay undetected? There's too many details to make this work, Draco."

"I thought you wanted to get out of this whole sticky-Merlin's-beard situation?"

Devon huffed defeatedly at his words.

"Okay, yeah. We leave. We keep it quiet, though. No telling anyone, understand?"

"Of course, yeah. Obviously. Yes ma'am," Draco spews off immediately, nodding his head vigorously.

Devon bobbed her head, slowly letting the plan sink into her head as more of a hypothetical.

"And our Dark Marks?"

"I'll find a solution. You don't have to worry about that, leave it on me," Draco reassures, eyes sincere and persuading.

Draco tapped his pointer finger twice on her knee, gaining her attention. Devon raised her head to meet his eye-line. "Hmm?" She hummed for him to continue.

"We'll be okay." Draco didn't break eye contact with her. He held strong, a confident glint in his eyes.

It reassured Devon.

"Yeah," she breathes, "I know."

The two sat in the corner of the library of the Malfoy Manor. They just sat there, enjoying the peace and quiet that was insured with each other's presence.

author's note: been a while, that's my bad! been a busy lady, with two other works in the process of being published
- J.S.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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