18. '51 G'

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"Oh my fricking god!" Sofia gasped as she propped herself upright in her bed. 

"Jeez, what is it now?" 

"THIS! What are you doing here?" She panicked slightly at the sight of Max sleeping right next to her and she furiously lifted the white bed sheet off his body only to reveal that he was still wearing his black boxers. Sofia sighed.

"Relax, nothing happened. We just got drunk and decided to call it a night. I was too pissed to drive back to the hotel and to figure out how my phone worked to call a taxi." 

"Fine. I'll make us some coffee and then off you go." 

Sofia got up not realizing quickly enough that she was only wearing her knickers and was completely naked from the waist up. She covered herself with a t-shirt and hoped that Max wasn't paying too much attention. 

"You're the boss..." Max said as he reached for Sofia's pillow but not taking his eyes away from her.

"What are you doing? Time to wakey wakey!" She exclaimed.

"I know, but I need a couple of minutes." He said as he placed the pillow on his lap. Sofia turned around trying to pretend she didn't hear a thing but she couldn't help but feel a little smirk forming as she walked into the kitchen. 

------------------ **** --------------

"I'm so happy to see you!" Amelia cried out as she hugged her boss and good friend tightly. 

"Me too, me too..." Sofia struggled to show too much emotion but deep down she missed Amelia and all the action happening in the paddock. 

"Gosh, Martyn was an absolute dickhead..." Amelia complained pointing her chin towards the out-of-earshot supervisor who replaced Sofia during her sick notice period. 

"He doesn't seem too pleased to see me either... I bet he thought I wasn't coming back."

"Yeah we all heard those rumours of something going down between you and Jos and we all know that not many staff members will live that down." Amelia said as she adjusted the buttons on her shirt after noticing Sofia looking at it as the first few buttons were mismatched.

"Well considering the history I would risk it and say I'm not just a normal staff member..." 

"And I'm slowly changing my mind about Max, he's not so bad. Respect for the way he defended you." 

Sofia looked intently at Amelia. What did she mean by that?

"When did Max defend me publicly?"

"So, a few weeks back, Martyn was completely slagging you off to Jos, saying how the hospitality was so much more peaceful without you running it and how he had turned the chaos into a functional workplace..." Amelia stop to swallow and breathe as she was trying to put all the information she could into one sentence. Sofia simply stared at her in silence waiting for the conclusion.

"Anyway, Max and Christian were just joining Jos and overheard them talking. Just as Jos was saying that they wouldn't have to see your face again, Max jumped in. He told Martyn to just stick to his very temporary job instead of gossiping and I quote if Sofia doesn't come back I will boycott this hospitality the rest of the season."

Sofia couldn't put two words together as her brain was still processing all that information. 

"Thanks, Amelia. Somehow that gives me a bit of reassurance." She finally said.

You Broke Me First [Max Verstappen]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon