I know some people

Start from the beginning

"I got you this" she smiled handing the doughnut over.

"Thank you darling. Sit?" He instructed pointing to the chair next to him that contained Mabel's discarded clothes from earlier. She mentally groaned at her earlier actions and moved the clothes to the floor sitting beside him.

She glanced at Joe's screen to see looking at a news article. She noticed the picture was of her and the random man in the nightclub last night followed by several more pictures of her with Joe.

"You're fucking kidding me" she groans grabbing the phone from Joe. He glanced at her sympathetically while her eyes scan the article.

"Mabel's new men? Has Mae decided one isn't enough anymore" she reads the title outloud. Joe can help but feel guilt for having it open so she could see.

"Where do they even get these pictures?" She groaned locking Joe's phone and handing it back. She threw her head back in frustration and Joe turned to face her.

"Mabel- it's just an article you're okay" he said reassuringly rubbing her arm.

"It's not 'just an article' it's the 10th one in two months" she whines looking at Joe.

The man can't help but feel like he's useless at helping her. He has an idea and excused himself from Mabel for a minute.

Joe reaches his phone and scrolls through his contacts to his friends number- a friend that just happens to be a lawyer. Joe recalls the terms of the event was to include no photographs in the club and any taken were illegal and against contract.

He dials his friends number and it rings once before a hello rings through the line.

Joe explains the situation and asks what grounds do they have and if there's any rights. His friend explains as the contract stated photographs were prohibited inside the event that they can threaten to sue the tabloids and have them removed. Joe thanks his friend for the advice and asks if he could sort all the logistics to which his friend says he'll get on it asap and have them taken down within the hour. Joe hangs up the phone pleased with his efforts and heads back to Mabel who is now fully clothed and ready to leave the studio.

"Leaving so soon?" He asks the girl.

"I need to get home I'm just done for the day" she weakly smiles.

"Text me when you're home?" Joe asks the girls

"I uh- lost your number" she smiles apologetically. Little did she know Joseph knew she'd thrown it out.

She added Joe as a contact into her phone and gave him a hug goodbye, thanking him for his efforts at the club the night before.

Joe watches the girl walk out the studio and can't help but admire how his clothes suited her so well.

He reminded himself no strings attached, however he knew in his head he could make her cave.

Back home Mabel got out of Joseph's clothes and into her own pyjamas. She sighed at her reflection in the mirror unhappy with how she looked.

She looked at the clock and saw it was only 3pm. She decided to put the tv on and watch an episode of Gilmore girls- her comfort show when anything went wrong.

She found herself googling her name to see the article again but to her shock it wasn't there. She scrolled for some more time desperate to find it but it was like it was lost.

She switched to her phone app and clicked on Kirsten's number. It rang a few times before she answered.

"Mabel?" She questioned.

Daddy Issues- Joseph Quinn Where stories live. Discover now