Chapter 7 - Training

Start from the beginning

Crazy right? Would've been cooler if they named it 10th division, because of math. 

Right now, Makima, Y/N, Power, and Denji were in the graveyard of the hunters that were killed. Makima said that they'll be trained, Y/N still doesn't know who though, but Denji already assumed that it'll be Makima. 

"So, who's gonna train us?" Y/N asked. 

"It'll be an old friend of mine" 

Denji became saddened "Aww, it's not going to be you?" 

"Unfortunately, since I've gotten really busy, I'm going to be introducing you to someone else" after walking for a bit, they saw a man standing near the graves, back facing them "He's the one who's going to instruct you three" 

"Do I also have to train? I could've killed that sword hybrid if I gotten all out" Y/N asked. 

"Of course, who knows, maybe you'll learn a thing or two from this. You fight like a newbie, no offense" 

"None taken- wait, since when did you see me fight?" 

Makima ignored the question "His name is-" 

The man raised his finger "Shhh, shut it. Answer my questions, what did you think after your comrades died?"

"Nothing really" Denji answered. 

"I thought 'they're dead!'" Power answered

Y/N let out a single snicker at Power's answer "Ahem. I was like 'Oh no, who's gonna take me out on lunch?'" 

He then raised another finger "Do you want revenge on the enemy?"

"Fuck that. Revenge sounds like a gloomy idea" Denji answered.

"Same here!" Power answered. 

"If I get something out of it" Y/N answered. 

And then another finger "Do you consider yourselves allies of humans or devils?" 

"Whichever will take care of me" Denji answered.

"Whichever is the winning side" Power answered.

"Whichever pays me the highest" Y/N answered. 

The man then turned around, revealing a sewed wound on his cheeks. Y/N whistled, this is the first time he had seen a wound like that. 

"100 points. You" The man pointed towards Y/N "90 points" 

"Aw what?" Denji and Power then laughed at Y/N for having a lower score than them "Oh come on, you two aren't gonna let this go till I die, are you?" 

"Haha! Indeed!" Power exclaimed. 

"Makima, you can leave. I'll start their training right now" The old man said. 

"...Alright, I'll leave it to you" 

"Makima?!" before Denji could ask the redhead, he and Power were suddenly hugged by the old man. 

"Uhhh, should I also join this weird group hug?" Y/N asked. 

The old man did a 'come here' hand motion. As Y/N came close, he was pulled into the hug by the old man.

"I'm a devil hunter with the 1st division, I like it when people call me master, so call me that" 

"Uhhh, are you reading your bio for a roleplay, or-" Y/N was interrupted as he got lightly smacked in the head. 

"Shhh, I'm not finished yet. I love booze and women, and especially killing devils" 

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