Eddie x Steve: Acting weird

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It was no secret that Eddie and Steve had been acting weirder than usual. Whether it was getting in and out of the same car, or Eddie seen walking into Steve's house at 4 pm, then not leaving until the morning. Nevertheless, I knew that something strange was happening, I just didn't know what.

Sitting at our normal table in the cafeteria, Mike sat across from me as he complained about the chemistry homework.

"I think Eddie and Steve are...you know...dating." I blurted out, unable to hold in my thoughts.

"And then I asked him- what?" Mike stopped his complaining.

"I think that Eddie and Steve are dating." I repeated myself, earning a laugh from Mike.

"You think that Eddie and Steve are dating? What kinda joke is that?" Mike smiled.

"It isn't a joke." I sighed.

"Well, Eddie has been not-so-secretly flirting with girls and Steve has made it clear that he really wants a girlfriend." Mike smiled.

"Those excuses could be covers. Who knows what Eddie and Steve do in their spare time. For all we know, Steve might be desperately searching for a girlfriend, but behind closed doors, he's sleeping with the leader of Hellfire." I explained, Mike still very convinced that both of them were straight.

As we debated the topic, Mike's eyes travelled over to Eddie, who for the first time since we met, wasn't wearing his Hellfire club shirt. He had his black jacket and denim vest, but his Hellfire shirt was missing.

"Eddie. Are you feeling okay?" Gareth asked as he sat down, confused.

"Yes? Why?" Eddie looked confused at all of us.

"Where is your Hellfire shirt?!" Jeff asked, shocked.

"Oh, I forgot to put it on this morning." Eddie smiled, sitting down.

"Forgetting to put on the Hellfire club shirt is one thing, but putting on such a bland shirt is a crime." Mike laughed.

As I watched Eddie eat his food, I noticed the particular shirt he had on. It reminded me of someone, and when I realised who, my eyes widened.

"You alright Henderson?" Jeff asked as I pulled Mike away from the table, Mike almost choking on his food.

"What the hell Dustin?" Mike complained.

"That's Steve's shirt." I spoke.

"What are you talking about? I thought this conversation was over." Mike rolled his eyes.

"The shirt that Eddie is currently wearing is one of Steve's shirts. I'd recognise Steve's bland shirts anywhere." I smirked.

"Whatever dude." Mike walked back over to the table, leaving me to think about what this meant.

Running out to the front of the school, I made my way over to the phone, dialling Steve's number.

Steve: Harrington household.

Dustin: It's Dustin. Can I come over this afternoon? I need some advice.

Steve: I guess so. Just come before 5 pm.

Dustin: Perfect.

Putting the phone onto the holder, I smiled, having a plan.
It was time to execute the plan that I had come up with.

Step 1: Get up to Steve's room.

"So. What's the problem that you need advice with?" Steve asked as he walked me into his kitchen.

"Can we...you know...talk somewhere more private. I don't want anyone else hearing this." I smiled.

"Dude, is it...body related?" Steve asked, confused.

"No!" I convinced him.

"Fine. Let's go to my room." Steve sighed, taking me to his room.

Step 2: Get Steve out of his room for a short period of time.

"Hey Steve, is it okay if I can have a glass of water? What I need to talk about is making my throat dry." I sighed, watching as Steve smiled.

"Sure. I'll be back soon." He opened his bedroom door, leaving. While I had a chance, I took a look around the room, making sure not to move anything. Without needing to do much searching, I found what I needed.

Sitting just underneath Steve's dresser was a shirt. A Hellfire club shirt. There was only two ways this shirt could have ended up here. Option 1 was that he joined Hellfire club, and that's as possible as Mike exercising. The other option was more plausible. Eddie was sleeping with Steve.

My hypothesis as to what the situation was is simple. Eddie stayed the night. Things got heated and his shirt came of. It flew across the room, just underneath the dresser. Either being late for school, or not knowing where it ended up, Eddie decided to ignore his Hellfire shirt and instead opt to wear one of Steve's shirts, hoping that we wouldn't notice.

Going back to where I was, I watched as Steve entered his room, handing me the glass of water.

Step 3: Get out of his house

After a few good gulps of water, I put it on his bedside table.

"You know what, being alone for a few minutes, I think I solved my own problem. I don't think I need your advice." I smiled, standing up.

"What? Are you sure Henderson? I mean, your advice is something no one should listen to." Steve stood up, confused.

"Yes, Steve. I am sure." I quickly exited his room, heading to his front door.

Leaving his house, I ran home as fast as I could, hoping that Mike was near his radio. Grabbing my walkie, I listened for Mike.

"Mike." I spoke, not hearing a response.

"Mike!" I yelled.

"What do you want Dustin? I'm packing for California." Mike yelled back.

"I found it. I found Eddie's Hellfire shirt." I smiled, hoping that Mike was interested.

"Where did you find it?" Mike asked.

"In Steve's room." I smiled again.

"You can't be serious." Mike sighed.

"I'm deadly serious." I paced in my room, explaining to Mike my experience at Steve's house, and explaining where I found Eddie's shirt.

"Shit. Eddie's sleeping with Steve." Mike finally believed me.

"I told you so." I smiled. As I turned around to walk out of my room, I saw Eddie standing there.

"Shit. You know." Eddie sighed, shutting my bedroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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