"I'm sorry that you had to witness such an unfortunate event" he stated sternly.

"I still have faith in you, Conrart," I confessed quietly as a tear streamed down my face.

Conrart stiffened up but said nothing as we continued to ride to a clearing.

"These mountains are beautiful", Conrart stated as he stopped his horse, "this scenery will change very soon, I suggest you take a real good look at them, it will be of great comfort to you later. The prisons of Big Shimaron will be harsh".

"What's the point of telling us that, you traitor!?" Wolfram yelled angrily.

"That mountain range borders the nations, once we cross it we'll be in Cavalcade" Conrart continued, confusing the others, "I don't see any soldiers guarding it, they must have pulled out once they heard we captured you".

Murada must have caught on as he pondered, "Hm, so if there were any trouble to break out around here, nobody...".

I looked up at him as he discreetly gave me back my dagger and slipped it into my sleeve, for once I felt like I had some real hope and not some string that I'd been grasping onto until my hands got sore but suddenly more horses and a carriage of iron were pulling up towards us.

"It's King Balal" a soldier announced urgently.

My heart sank, it sank even further when Conrart urged his horse to gallop towards the carriage of that monster.

"Stop! Stop!" Conrart demanded.

He heeled his horse surprised to see it truly was Balal indeed, "King Balal".

"You've done a great service to me, Lord Weller. You've not only brought me the box but the Demon King as well... Not to mention a beautiful treasure for my royal harem. You will be handsomely rewarded".

There he was, my skin ran cold as the lord and master of half the world leered out from the shadows.

"If I may, my lord, I was hoping you would grant me this woman," Conrart asked, almost shyly, "as a reward".

I looked down blushing slightly, trying not to be too obvious despite the situation I was in.

"I never thought you would cease to amaze me even further, out of all the women I have offered to you and this is the woman you choose" Balal exclaimed, in surprise.

"She is beautiful to the eye, how could I not Mi'Lord?" Conrart replied sternly.

Balal turned his ungodly eye to me once more, I felt like death was at my door and I was too terrified to open it. I thought Balal being the greedy creature he is, wouldn't agree to Conrart's request but-.

"Very well, I will allow you to have her as spoils of war".

I almost breathed a sigh of relief but doing so probably would have changed his mind.
The subject was changed immediately to the box.

"It is an honor for you to come so far as to meet me here" Conrart exclaimed.

"I grew impatient for obtaining the box, you do understand", Balal replied smirking, "I hope I'm not in your way".

Conrart straightened his back, "not at all".

Balal exited his carriage and began to marvel at the boxes, Hell's Fire and Frozen Land.
During the conversation, Conrart had already assumed that Balal would negotiate with the Demon Kingdom-

"But if the Demon King would have somehow met a tragic demise my victory would be assured, would it not?".

Everyone gasped as they looked at Balal in horror, I felt almost faint again.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

The Lily and The Sword (Conrart x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें