Lola cut him off, "Oh I know why I'm here. It's why I'm always here, Tommy."

The group walked into Tommy's office, "Nice. Very nice, Tom." Arthur said as he looked around, "Although I must say, I thought your office would be bigger than this."

"It will be. Michael, Lola you sit. Arthur, you stand by the window." Tommy said

Lola looked at Arthur as she sat down in front of him, "Look threatening. Who are we meeting?

"The man we're about to meet is the minister for the Duchy of Lancaster. He is also deputy to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Cabinet adviser to the Prime Minister of Great Britain."

Lola chuckled as she looked up at Arthur, "Arth, we should not be here."

"You all met bad men before. The man we're about to meet is the devil." Tommy said, just then his phone rang, "Yep. Send him in."

Just then the door opened and Mosely walked in, "I never seem to get to meet you without your family."

He sat down next to Michael as Tommy said, "I understand you know a man called Jimmy McCavern."

Mosely paused before he asked, "Can I take a cigarette?" Tommy nodded, Mosely lit his cigarette before saying, "Who on earth is Jimmy McCavern?"

"Over the last 12 months, you've been making approaches to various men across the country who you think might be able to help you in your cause. McCavern is one of these men. He runs the East Glasgow shipyards. He killed an associate of mine. I want to know what your strategy is." Tommy said

Mosely nodded to Arthur and said, "That one's your brother, yes? And the lady's your cousin, am I correct."

Michael nodded, "Yes, and I'm his business advisor. We'd like to talk business."

"Michael. Michael Gray. You lost all your cousin's money in America playing the fool. A nightclub in Detroit called the Gladiator is your regular. You lost the money...and found a wife there. And Lola Gray sitting at the window, found a husband in the shit hole that is Small Heath, been to prison twice, one for the noose, the other for murder. Had a baby in prison and one of the first female Peaky Blinders...and poor old Arthur Shelby standing there at the window, is afraid his wife will never return."

Lola looked back slightly as she felt Arthur grip the back of her chair, "My spies tell me she's been seen with another man."

"Arthur...Arthur he's trying to bait you." Lola said as she looked back

Tommy saw what Arthur was doing, "Arthur..." Lola stood up as Arthur snapped the back of her chair and Tommy spoke in Romani, "His time will come."

Mosely smiled, "And bingo. Twenty seconds in, and I have them speaking their wog lingo."

Lola looked at Tommy, "Say the word I'll cut his bloody eyes out."

Tommy shook his head as Mosely said, "Mr Shelby, I do have plans. I will need men like you. Except, of course, there is no other man like you. You, in particular, I need. But please, Don't imagine I would trouble myself with turf wars. You have many enemies. Shuffle the pack, and pick another card." Mosely then stood up and put an envelope on his desk, "That investigation of the dead journalise, the queer...I've made that go away. Read it and, come back to me. Next time, bring only an open mind and a cigar to celebrate our union. But do feel free to bring your cousin."

Mosely then walked out of the room as Tommy stood up and picked up the envelope, "Who the fuck does he think he is?" Lola asked

"What the fuck was that all about, Tom?" Michael asked

Lola jumped forwards as Arthur tipped the chair over which smashed into the table, "Arthur! Do not let them get inside your head. That's exactly how these people work."

Arthur pointed to the door, rage all over his face, "Who the fuck are these people? Who the fuck are they!."

"I've just been become the deputy leader of a brand new political party. These people say they are the future."

. . . . . . .

Lola, Arthur, Michael and Tommy walked into Ada's house where Ben was on the phone, "I was expecting Ada."

"Yeah. Give you a key, did she?" Arthur asked as he walked in

Ben nodded, "I was meant to meet her today, but she said had to go to Birmingham."

"Yes. Tommy sent her on a mission. She's doing my job for me." Michael said

Lola shut the door, walked over to Ben and hugged him, "Hi Ben. It seems no one else is giving you a nice welcome."

"Where's Karl, eh? Where's the boy?" Arthur asked

They walked into the living room and Ben said, "He went to buy an ice cream."

"Ada said to tell you she'd be late," Tommy said

"You knew I'd be here?"

Tommy nodded, "Yeah, we knew you'd be here. We have some business for you."

Ben paused before he said, "Any business I have with you, Mr Shelby, is meant to be strictly confidential."

"Ah, Michael. You still have shit on your shoes. My associate here can smell it." Tommy said

Ben shook his head saying, "I don't mean any offence."

Tommy handed Michael some coins, "Here, Michael, go and find Karl and buy him ice cream, eh? The man doesn't trust you."

Michael scoffed, "Fuck you, Tom. You know Gina phoned. The baby's heartbeat is strong. And I swear to God, Tom, by the time that baby draws its first breath, you and I will be done."

"And you will be king. Is that it, Michael?" Tommy asked

"You know, Tom, there are doctors in London now who can talk their way into your head, dig out all the shit. Perhaps, you should see one." Michael said as he walked out

Lola looked at Tommy, "If you want a family war, you're going the right way about it." Lola then walked out of the room after Michael

Lola linked her arm with Michaels, "What the hell are you planning?"

Thank you for reading

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Gray Gangster- 𝓟𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 𝓑𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓼Where stories live. Discover now