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"YOU CAN'T DO BETTER!" Belly screams the lyrics. Y/n grimaces. "Like you can do any better, Y/n." Laurel scoffs. Y/n sees her half brother smirk in the rear view mirror. Y/n looks down and pulls her short tight black dress down to cover up the bandaids on her upper thighs. Her phone dings. 



Hey where r u guys????

Almost there..gonna stop to fill bit more gas

Okay, can't wait to see you!!!


Ok gotta go bye Y/n/n!!

See ya Jerebear!


Y/n smiles. "What are you smiling at?" Belly asks, turning around. "Nothing." Y/n sighs. "Is it a boy? I don't get why any boy would be interested in a bitch like you. Right, mom?" She snorts. Laurel smiles and looks out the window. "How about you get your nose out of Mom's ass, you suck up." Y/n mutters. "Y/n Laurent, do not talk to your older sister like that!" Laurel yells as Steven stops the car at the gas station. "That's nice. Talk about family love, right?" Y/n scoffs and walks outside, slamming the car door. 

Y/n stomps and opens the door. She gets a Coke and looks around the store, grabbing gum and whatever interests her. She walks up to the counter where Belly's talking to the counter guy. "You coming to the bonfire tonight?" He asks her, while scanning all the items. Y/n snorts. "She doesn't go outside." Y/n says. Belly turns red with frustration. "Doesn't like people. Very emo." Y/n adds in a whisper. The guy nods, awkwardly. Belly slaps her sister's arm. "Shut up." She hisses.

Y/n peers to see the guy's badge. "Jumper? Your name's Jumper?" Y/n raises her eyebrows. "Family nickname." Jumper sighs. "That's so depressing." Y/n says, matter-of-factly. "Oh my god, you are so embarrassing, Y/n." Belly whispers. Y/n smirks, grabs her stuff and walks away. 

A few minutes later, Steven starts the car up again. Everyone stays quiet until their car reaches the house. Y/n's heart beats faster as the door of the house opens and Jeremiah goes and hugs Steven and Laurel. Y/n brushes her fingers through her hair and puts on a bit of lip gloss. Belly and Jeremiah hug which sends sparks of jealous through Y/n's body. Y/n steps out of the car and smiles. Jeremiah lets go of Belly who awkwardly walks over -butterflies in stomach- to Conrad. 

Jeremiah bites left side of his lip. God she is so damn beautiful, he thinks. "Hey." She says. Jeremiah walks over to her and hugs her tightly. "Ah I missed you." He sighs, his face buried in her hair. They both sway a little. "I'm gonna go say hi to your mom and go un pack." Y/n whispers. "No don't go." Jeremiah whines. Y/n laughs softly. She leans in and kisses his cheek, making him blush. "I'm not going that far." She giggles. "Y/n/n!" Susannah giggles. Y/n goes and hugs her 2nd favourite person in the world. Jeremiah being the 1st of course. 

"You grew up, my little baby!" She squeals. "Susannah!" Y/n blushes. "You're what..15 in a few days?!" She asks. I nod, smiling. Susannah looks to Jeremiah who is gazing lovingly at Y/n. Susannah smiles. "What is it?" Y/n asks, turning around and looking. Jeremiah and Y/n both blush, making Susannah smile even more. 

Oh if only they would tell each other they're in love..What I'd do to see that before I go, Susannah thinks.

Y/n goes up to her room and flops on her bed. Jeremiah walks in. "Can we go for a swim?" He asks. "Jere, I just walked in." Y/n giggles. "Pleeeeeeeease pretty pretty pleeeeeease?" He asks, quivering his bottom lip. Y/n groans but can't hide a smile. "Turn around so I can change." Y/n says. Jeremiah grins. "I've seen you naked before ya know." He says, pointing to the picture in a frame of Y/n and Jeremiah in a bubble bath with pink and yellow rubber duckies. Y/n raises her eyebrow, impatiently. 

Jeremiah smirks and turns around. Y/n changes into her favourite bikini (the one in the picture in the introduction page). She quickly rips off her bandaids and dabs on some concealer, topped off with waterproof foundation. She grabs a towel and Jeremiah holds her hand while they walk to the beach. "I heard Laurel say that John's coming for Fourth of July." Y/n sighs. "Shit, that's gonna be so awkward." Jeremiah groans. "No shit sherlock." Y/n giggles. "Race ya." Y/n kisses Jeremiah's cheek and then runs down the sand. Jeremiah shakes his head and laughs softly before chasing Y/n into the water.

𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐀 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑~ Jeremiah Fisher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now