1 AE: The Year it all Began

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1 AE: The year it all began

By CubicAppalac


-Across the continents of North America and Europe, several flashes of light appear, leading to several nations from both OTL and another timeline appearing. This would be the start of several phases of world history.

North America:

-North America would see two different versions of the same country, one holding several states and a piece of one, and the other a singular state. Many wonder what, in history, was different between the two, but it is found that an essential character in one's past died in the others.

-In OTL America, as the constitutional convention was still underway, many citizens on the outskirts of Pennsylvania would see that New Jersey was wilderness. Later, riders from the Appalachian region of Virginia and Maryland would ride into Philadelphia saying that Virginia was gone. Many representatives from those states would refuse to believe until they saw the New Jersey Border.

Later on, Riders to New York would find out that it still existed but was different. New York was supposedly from the future, 1812 to be exact. While speaking to several people in New York, they would find mentions of a "Takota Cook" being President after George Washington, under a "Social-Liberal Party." Furthermore, they would find that the New York from this future is actually from an alternate timeline to their own, in which the soldier who fought in the revolution was present for the ongoing convention to help create a new state, "Appalachia."

New York would be asked to join the United States and help in the constitutional convention, using the constitution of their timeline as a basis. Finally, after a week of discussions, the constitution of the new United States of America is agreed upon. It would have every policy from New Yorks constitution, along with some new addons like the abolition of slavery, due to its uselessness to the new Union.

The United States would lay claim to all of the lands that it did after the Treaty of Paris and London. Settlers would start to move into these regions, mainly to New Jersey. America would start plans to build a new capital, exactly where it was in New York's timeline. The capital would be named Washington D.C, after the first President of New York's USA.

A new state would be formed from the Appalachian region of Virginia that was brought along; it would be named Appalachia. Four territories would also be formed, specifically New England, New Jersey, Delaware, and the Western Territory.

In the rest of the country, elections for the first president begin in November, which is useless as everyone unanimously votes for George Washington. Washington would fully accept this win and start to follow in his footsteps from the future, especially creating the organizations created in Takota Cook's term.

On the initiative of some businessmen, America would start to industrialize, especially to create the items that they wanted that could only have been gained in Europe. Expeditions are also organized southwards and eastwards, resulting in the Americans becoming aware of Napoleonic France, though trade is still not possible.

By the end of the year, America would be in a good position, with large amounts of land and somewhat advanced technology; it has all of the capabilities to grow into a regional power as it is.


-In Europe, France would slightly dip into anarchy before Napoleon would stabilize the nation, crowning himself Emperor of France by the end of the year. Soon riders to the North East would come into contact with a region stating that it was part of Prussia, which Napoleon would call to conquer.

The invasion would go off without a hitch, with the region being given to his brother Joseph to govern as the first King of the Rhineland.

-Prussia would see mass panic for a short time, before contact with Poland, which was apparently from 1776. Prussia would start to take over the land close to its borders, especially to get back into contact with its western territory, which it found under the control of France from 1803.

Prussia would grumble about the unlawful grab of their western lands, but decide to focus on colonizing their new western boundaries.

-Following the rest of its peers, Poland panics. But they would soon come into contact with Prussia from the future, 1815 to be exact. Through that contact Poland and its people would learn of the future of its nation, and decide that it should avoid this possible future at all costs.

Through France they would come into contact with the Americans, who they have good relations with mostly in part to the support that Poland has given to America. Trade would begin small, mostly through Prussia, but soon things would get faster as Poland expands into the Black Sea and its coast, which gives new ports for the Americans to land in and trade at. However, they now have to go through the entire Mediterranean to reach the new ports.

-The Papal States are just a neutral power in these events, sitting there doing their own thing. The Pope has announced that the events to bring the various nations to this new world is the work of God, he states through this that the world is the new Eden, for all the people brought to this world. The Pope has noticed that the majority of the nations brought over was his own, Two Republics, a former Republic turned Empire, a Kingdom once part of the HRE, and a nation that would have been partitioned in the future history.



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