Chapter 1

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Hayley Moore likes to live life to the fullest and doesn't let other people tell her what she can and can't do. She is known to be pretty open-minded, so that's why she tends to get along with most people, but that doesn't mean people can walk all over her. She can be the most loyal and caring person you will ever meet, but if you hurt the people she cares about or you break her trust then she will not be afraid to show you her bitch side. Even though she has experienced hardships throughout her life she still likes to live in the moment and not let her past bring her down.

Lately, Hayley has been re-watching The Originals series.

"Oh my God, that definitely should not have happened," Hayley said while crying at the scene where Klaus and Elijah stabbed each other with the white oak stake.

Did they really have to kill both of Hope's parents, isn't it bad enough that she already lost her mom now she has to lose her dad too. I know they want to show Klaus's redemption by sacrificing himself for Hope but couldn't they have brought him or Hayley back because it wouldn't be the first time they decided to bring someone from the dead back Kol and Davina are good examples of that.

Hope deserves more, her life has been one tragedy after another. I know Hope's character grows more after the loss of her parents but can one person handle that much pain? Sometimes I wonder if some of the characters did things differently then maybe Hope wouldn't have spent so much time away from her family and could have maybe had both of her parents still alive.

I know that the show set Hayley and Elijah together but I could never really understand why, to me, they felt toxic most of the time. I will admit Halijah had their moments but there was always something getting in the way of their relationship. I used to like Hayley and Elijah together but season 5 really made me hate them together. If I'm being real it's Elijah's fault that Hayley died, I know he didn't have his memories but I feel like that is just an excuse that the writers came up with.

I myself have always been a secret Klayley shipper honestly Klaus and Hayley had chemistry they have had a bunch of moments throughout the show but because she was in love with Elijah and Klaus was focusing more on power and defeating his enemies so he really didn't have much time for romance but you can't say they didn't try.

I think by season 5 Hayley already moved on from Elijah and Klaus wasn't really with anyone at the time so if they both didn't die then they could have explored the possibility of them ending up together. I don't know if Klaus had any romantic feelings for Hayley but he definitely cared enough about her to cry and show more emotion for her death than he has ever for anyone else other than Hope.

If Klaus weren't so obsessed with trying to rule New Orleans and just stopped trying to deny how he felt about having a child during season 1, he would have most likely spent more time with Hayley and seen how much they are alike. They definitely would have had a better relationship than they did at the beginning of the series.

Hayley only falls in love with Elijah because he was always there for her when she needed someone and if Klaus had been there for her in the beginning then I feel like they would have ended up together.

"Wow, I really need to stop getting so emotionally invested in the shows that I watch," Hayley said as she turned off the tv "but I can't help it, I get so invested that I feel like I'm the one who went through everything in the show. I really need to call it a day. Maybe I'll start re-watching Legacies next. I really wished that the Mikaelsons and Hayley got the happy ending they deserved," Hayley said as she began to fall asleep.

Hayley Moore opened her eyes and realized that she was in an unfamiliar place.

"Where the hell am I," Hayley said as she turns to the right and sees a man who looks a lot like Joseph Morgan. "Oh my God wait she," says as she pulls the covers off "yep no clothes," she sees a phone on the nightstand and picks it up.

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