Chapter 2

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The first thing he does is find the needle. Miracle of miracles, it hadn't shattered, and Izuku replaces it in the carrying case he'd brought. Kacchan needs the full dose to stay asleep long enough for everything Izuku's got planned, so he pulls out the second syringe, his backup, and carefully presses it into one of Katsuki's veins. He only pushes in half, hoping the amount is the same as just one syringe would have been altogether.

That done, he puts the syringe into the case and slips it back into the bag of supplies he'd brought with him. This is going to be the hard part. Tying up Katsuki and getting him into the car without anyone else noticing.

He's beautiful when he's asleep, Izuku thinks, even though his mouth is stuffed full and taped over. His face is so relaxed and pretty. He can't wait to have him tucked up tight in his new bed.

Izuku takes a moment to trail his fingers over the lines of Katsuki's face, tracing the features with trembling digits. Then, with a huff of determination, he gets to work. He has to be quick. The longer they're here, the higher the chance of getting caught.

Carefully he tapes Katsuki's hands behind his back, forearm to forearm to keep them out of the way, grey wound around and around and around. He doesn't want to risk bashing his hands into anything and hurting him. His legs are a little trickier. He binds them ankle to ankle and thigh to thigh, leaving the knees free to bend.. The reason for this is simple. He needs space to put him in the bag he's brought with him.

It's a big bag, Izuku's used it as luggage before on long trips, and it's going to be a tight fit to get Katsuki inside, but it will make life a lot easier and keep him hidden at the same time. Plus, he wants to make sure the fit is snug in case he wakes up on the ride home. Having him smash out a rear headlight or make a loud banging noise from inside the trunk would be a nightmare.

Izuku's glad he goes to the gym. Katsuki's body is muscular, which means picking him up is no joke. He has to half roll him into the bag, adjusting it around him carefully before zipping it up. It's heavy, too, when he picks it up at one end and starts to wheel it to his car. It's immediately obvious that the bag was the right choice. At the street, barely visible from here, a couple is talking. There's no way they can identify Izuku from this distance, but he's pretty sure it would have been obvious if he'd been carrying a body.

"Sorry, Katsuki," he whispers, as he opens the trunk, and with every ounce of his strength, heaves the bag up and into the car. It's not exactly dignified, and not exactly how Izuku would have liked to take him home, but he's kind of a beginner at this whole...abduction thing, so he'd like to cut himself a bit of slack.

He shuts and locks the car, swallowing down nerves as he leaves Katsuki alone in there, walking back to the stairwell with the keys he'd taken from Katsuki's pocket. Carefully he checks over the scene of the crime, making sure there's no sign of what had just happened, and then climbs the stairs, slinking along to Bakugou's apartment before unlocking it and slipping inside.

Izuku grabs a backpack, stuffs it full of clothes, a phone charger, his laptop, his pills, a few toiletries and a couple of knick knacks, including the picture of Katsuki's parents. Then he gathers all the food in the fridge and on the counter that might spoil and tosses it, wiping everything down and getting the box of toys from beneath the bed. Then he leaves and locks the apartment, taking the garbage with him and throwing it out on his way to the car.

There would be no smells coming from the apartment to alert the neighbours, no clues to where Bakugou had gone, except that his clothes and his own bag were missing. Someone might assume he'd gone travelling, based on the state of his apartment.

Or so Izuku hoped.

Carefully, he puts Bakugou's things in the back seat of the car. He'll have to take the whole vehicle to get steam cleaned after this, in case there are any hairs or...even minute bits of skin left from his things. But it's spring, there's no reason to think that's odd. Deku is known for being fastidious anyway.

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