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Beelzebub: "Why'd he kill that guy?"

Belphegor: "Just watch the movie-"

Beelzebub: "Is that Shannon Taylor?-" (?)

Belphegor: "No, it's Morgan Freeman."
Beelzebub: "Are you sure?.."

Asmodeus: "Did you get your report card yet?"

Mammon: "Report card?-" (Gets up)

Lucifer: "Where you going?" (In door way menacingly)

Mammon: 👁👁💦

Solomon: "WHY'S IT SO HOT?!"

MC: "Because he keeps talking!" (Points at Mammon [Let me just bully him real quick-])

Mammon: (Stops talking)

Solomon: "IT'S SO COLD-"

MC: "Why did you stop talking?!"

Mammon: (Continues)

Solomon: "GOD DAM-"

Solomon: "Here's your dinner!"

Asmodeus: (Looks down at plate) ". . ."

Asmodeus: (Starts packing up)

Solomon: "Where are you going??"

Satan: "You're going to love my older brother."

Random Demon: "Hope he's not weird-"

Leviathan: (Flopping like a fish)

Both Satan and Random Demon: ". . ."

MC: (Reading a book)

Lucifer: "Why are you being a good kid? Do something bad so I can yell at you-"

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