Slicked Back Blonde Hair

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Hi y'all! Just gonna say that this story is being edited and is SO CRINGEEEEE it gets better :D

Chapter 1

She felt a pressure stabbing in the back of her head. Their screaming pushed it to grow further without the glimpse of relief in sight. Again, they labelled her as a freak, a monster.

"You're just a freak." "You're some sort of demon." "Everyone is afraid of you, freak."

The pressure was evolving. It quickly turned into pounding, almost a pulsing that hit against her brain every time they stuck another finger in her face. She could feel the pain bordering the dam that pushed it all back and suppressed her anger.

But it would not stop growing. Jab after jab, they sent at her and finally, the dam broke.

"Stop it!" she screamed as an invisible blast hit the children around her, pushing them to the ground. They looked astonished at her before half of them began to cry and the other half started to run back to the playground.

The playground was a rusted and damaged project that a portion of the elementary school teachers had tried to pull together for the children that were playing in dirt and rocks before they were able to fund some swings and slides.

She looked around at the scene below her. Other children at her feet, bending to her anger that she had released upon them. She turned to her head to the right, looking at the metal fence that surrounded the playground. And there, he appeared.

Her guardian angel had come from thin air, ready to whisk her away from the society he knew was not built for someone of her caliber.

She never meant anything to ever happen to the other students that bullied her relentlessly, but strange things just seemed to happen whenever she was around. Especially when her feelings would heighten, things would surge and pop or dim depending on her surroundings. But even then, people who were mean to her always ended up with something unfortunate happening, whether it being bitten by a snake or their most prized possession found in her hands, they always regretted it later.

Her vision was blurry until she found herself in the old Victorian house. It was the only place she could escape their words and their poking and prodding. It was grand and astounding to anyone's measure. The entrance cradled a large oak door that opened to a living room that was anything but normal. The walls were heavily decorated with portraits and paintings that were never silent or still, quite the opposite. The portraits' favorite pastime was talking about Katalyn, the girl that blessed the halls of the mansion and gave it life.

Her guardian angel was an actual guardian, not her real father. He was an average height man, with thin reddish-brown hair that swept over his face with auburn eyes that seemed to blaze gold every month. On the other hand, she could not resemble him any less. She was short and thin with paling skin and dark curly hair that tumbled off the cliff of her head. Her cheekbones were high and prominent, jutting below her eyes that resembled black diamonds that vaulted an ever-glowing flame locked inside.

Remus was the only one to see her as the complete opposite of a freak. He found her astounding and beautifully unique just on her own. But even then, she was blessed with the control of magic, something that put muggles at the mercy of her.


Her letter had arrived the day before.

She woke up gradually and wonderfully at the beckon of the morning sun. It cracked open her shadow-filled room and forced her to sit up and rub her eyes. Even in her excited state, she groaned at the jolt of morning and stuck her head back into her pillow.

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