Jealous of Junior

Start from the beginning

"What's with them? Isn't this good news? They should be happy." Lemmy hastened to answer him before his siblings got in trouble.

"Dad, you know my siblings have an...odd way of dealing with shock. They probably went to wrap their heads around things. We're delighted to see Junior." Lemmy grinned pointedly at his remaining siblings, who caught on quickly, nodding and agreeing, plastering fake smiles on their faces for the sake of their dad.

Whether they were happy or not about Junior's arrival, one thing was for sure. Thing's were going to be a lot different from that point on.


 Each Koopaling tried to focus on something else, but their emotions always got mixed up in it. Roy's training became far more destructive, the training dummies being replaced every other day. Wendy's ice skating became more fast and energetic, leaving her breathless by the end and dulling her blades.. Larry frequently broke windows with the new ferocity at which he hit his tennis balls. Loud explosions coming from Iggy's lab were considered the norm as he lost focus. Morton hit his targets with his hammer so hard that even the metal ones broke in two. Lemmy had a harder time balancing as his attention wandered to Junior. Ludwig's symphonies became foreboding, angry dirges that seemed to echo for miles.

Bowser had noticed nothing, no changes in the Koopalings behaviours, too wrapped up in Junior to pay them much attention. Even now, 6 years on, these changes were still present from time to time. Junior was growing up spoiled thanks to the attention lavished on him, and never failed to get on his adopted siblings nerves, using the Crown Prince card as means of getting his way.

Ludwig and Roy had become far more dark and broody than they used to be. Roy was training almost every hour of the day, either on his own or mentoring Morton. Ludwig shut himself away from everyone else, the eerie notes of his symphonies frequently heard behind his door. Both tried to avoid Junior wherever possible. Iggy had forbidden Junior from coming into his lab or bedroom, as had Wendy, shunning Junior from her pool and ice rink. Morton, dim as he might sound, joined in with the others, treating Junior as a stranger. Even Larry, so light-hearted, treated Junior with indifference. Only Lemmy made an effort to be nice.

Lemmy understood that Junior hadn't asked to take the throne from them. It wasn't Junior's fault he existed, despite being so spoiled. The others did not share this more kindly view of Junior, viewing both the heir and his father as the enemy. Junior, in turn, just assumed that his adopted siblings were unreasonable, and decided he was better off without them. The enmity between the Koopalings and Junior mounted, until one day, Ludwig called an emergency meeting of all his siblings in his room.

Ludwig's room was by far the most spacious and fancy. A crackling fireplace with blue flames warmed the whole room, a luxurious blue bed on a carpeted dais with curtains was against the left wall, next to an ornate writing desk, the whole of the right wall was covered in bookcases that held thick history books, textbooks and music books, along with the occasional fictional novel, a huge window gave a fantastic view of the courtyard (Larry had broken this window a few times), and in pride of place in the middle of the room was a grand piano.

Roy, Morton and Larry sat on the edge of Ludwig's bed, Wendy had dragged his piano stool over, Iggy was seated in his writing chair and Lemmy sat on the edge of his desk, all of them in a semicircle. Ludwig stood at the head, looking grim. "Well, now that we're away from prying eyes, I have something to discuss with you all. Specifically, Junior." A ripple of murmuring went about the six Koopalings. Ludwig held up a hand to silence them.

"That usurping brat has taken everything from us. Is there anyone here who would deny that our lives have taken a turn for the worse ever since Lord Bowser," He spoke Bowser's name with venom. "started lavishing all his time and money on his real son?" There was another outbreak of muttering as they agreed with him.

"They're already discussing what crown he wants! They never asked me or you that, Ludwig, and he's only 6!" Burst out Wendy, furiously.

"Ha! That runt is nothing but a hinderance to our potential!" Scoffed Iggy, folding his arms.

"Even if Morton be Head of Guard, Morton not want to protect Junior!" Boomed Morton, Roy and Larry nodding furiously in agreement. Ludwig smirked at the outbursts from his siblings.

The oldest Koopaling spoke up again. "Every time he gets bested by those pesky plumbers, he still gets praise from his father for trying. Do you know what I get when I fail? A slap round the head and a scolding! When have either of them ever shown appreciation for our efforts, for our sacrifices? Never!" The siblings gave a shout of agreement, everyone but Lemmy, who had thus far been silent.

"That's why I propose an idea to you all." Ludwig gave a slight chuckle as he got to his point. "I propose that we...dispose of Junior." He said, with a wicked grin on his face. Lemmy couldn't hold back his protestations any longer.

"Wait, wait, wait. You wang to KILL him? Isn't that a little extreme." Ludwig smiled at him, patting Lemmy's shoulder reassuringly.

"Oh no, we won't kill him. Goodness, no, not unless we are forced to. No, we'll just send him somewhere where he'll be out of our way for good. With him out of the picture, we can go back to our original plan of making Wendy and I the King and Queen." Replied Ludwig, softly.

Wendy spoke up to reinforce Ludwig's point. "Come on, Lemmy, we won't hurt the kid. It's just not fair that all our planning and training goes down the drain because Lord Bowser had to have a fling with some scarlet Koopa." She argued, rolling her eyes. Lemmy still looked uncomfortable and didn't say anything else.

Ludwig looked at the clock on his wall. "I'll discuss the details of my plan with you all at sometime in the near future. It's getting late, and we don't want to look suspicious." The Koopalings filed out one by one. Despite Wendy and Ludwig's assurance that Junior wouldn't be hurt, Lemmy couldn't shake the uneasiness in the pits of his stomach.

The rainbow-haired Koopa lay awake for a long time after that, listening to Ludwig's piano music drift through the door, an eerie tune that perfectly matched his sense of foreboding.

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