Chapter 6: The Unexpected Visit...

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She sobs a bit before talking.

Onion: "...Okay." And so she puts it down!

Cherry: "HA, HA, HA! NOT SO FAST!" We all look at cherry and we see her put down the same card!

Pumpkin Pie: "..Me and Pompon want to know what happens next."

Y/N: "Me too!"

Carol: "So Cherry gets to pick how many cards -as long as it's under ten- to give to anyone she wants!"

Please don't choose me.

Cherry: " Hmm... I pick Onion and she'll pick up one card!"

Cherry Blossom: "Interesting."

Blackberry puts down a skip a go card and Parfait missed her go, Pumpkin and Pompon puts a summoning card and summons a cake dragon and I get stunned for 5 turns!

Carol: "I'll save you Y/N!" She puts the Selfless Healer down!

Me: "Yes, back in! Thanks Carol!" I shouted joyfully!

Carol: "No problem." She smiles at me.

Cherry Blossom puts down the Goddess of Good card which makes hero cards stronger! Onion uses the Princess Snow Cookie card and that attacks Cherry's villain! Cherry uses Emperor Gingerbread Cookie, defeats two of Blackberry's heroes and summons the God of Evil!

Parfait: "I'm sorry guys!"

All of us (except Parfait): "What-"

Oh no- she has the Empress Shortbread Cookie card... that summons the God of Evil's sidekick!

With those two cards, cookies with hero cards lose unless you have queen and king card that summons the Goddess of Good and her sidekick!

All of us: "Good game!" We all shout happily!

🎄Carol Cookie's POV🎄

Sparkling, Gingerbrave, Strawberry, Wizard, Custard and Chili Pepper arrive first! Then Herb, Vampire, Alchemist, Clover, Avocado and Macaroon. The last group who comes is Muscle, Princess, Knight, Moon Rabbit, Snow Sugar, Werewolf, Fig and Kumiho Cookie!

Y/N introduces herself to all of them and they do the same! Oh and we all decorate the tree together!

Y/N: "Here you go Cherry Blossom!" She grins.

I hear shouting so I look over and I see Alchemist and Vampire Cookie! Ah those two can never get along, can they?

Parfait does some Karaoke with some of the others. Princess Cookie tells a very interesting story to Blackberry and Onion! I see Sparkling waving at me and so I walk towards him!

Me: "Hey Sparkling! Everything alright?"

Sparkling: "Yep and that Y/N can sure sing!" He has that twinkle in his eye... the one where he's happy!

Me: "I never noticed... but you're right!"

Sparkling: "I'll be surprised if Parfait doesn't ask her to sing with her."

Me: "Same." We watch Y/N having the time of her life singing! She has a huge grin on her face and that just makes me happy!

Y/N/'s POV

I finish the song and hear them clapping.

Me: "Uh thanks! But I'm not that good..."

Parfait: "Are you kidding me?! Not good? You're amazing! We should collab!" She excitedly shouts while jumping up and down.

Me: "I-I'll think about it."

Parfait: "Okay." She warmly smiles at me.

Pumpkin Pie: "Encore!!" I quickly look at who said that and when I did I was shocked. Pumpkin was grinning ear to ear and clapping!

Me: "Well... okay!"

I sing Hiding in The Blue by The Fat Rat and RIELL!

Once I finish, everyone starts clapping for me and I feel my cheeks go red!


After a while of eating and play some more board games, it's onto giving gifts! I made a few cards for them all. I give one to my main friends and a few to my other friends. They all say thank you to me!

They all give me a hug and then I get a paper card from Onion, Pumpkin, Ponpom and Cherry!

Me: "Aww! Thank you..!" I start crying. You might think it's ridiculous but I have been banished from my kingdom...

Onion: "You're... welcome." She whispers while trying to hold back tears!

Cherry: "No prob!" She joyfully grins and strikes a pose!

Pumpkin Pie: "...You're welcome.. Ponpom says the same..."


We all saw it was nine pm, said our goodbyes and went home! I think I'm going to like it here!

🎃Pumpkin Pie's POV🥧

Me and Ponpom start walking through a forest... until I trip over a twig.

Me: "Ow..."

????: "Are you okay?" Someone asks with concern.

I look up and see a cookie with black hair, a white stripe, red eyes and a big sword.

Me: "Yeah... What's your name...?"

Him: "Dark Choco Cookie, nice to meet you." He quietly mumbles..

Me: "Pumpkin Pie Cookie," I hold Ponpom up, "and Ponpom...!"

He helps us up.

Dark Choco: "Be careful! You never know what's around here."

Me: "Thanks, I will. Merry Christmas and happy holidays..!"

Dark Choco: "You too!"

We both walk away...

(A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry that it took so long for this book to be updated! 😅 Ah school, it keeps you busy! Happy Christmas Eve, Merry Christmas and happy holidays! ^^)

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