●♡Chapter Four♡●

Start from the beginning

"I have to say, I am quite impressed." Muzan said, I could have sworn I saw the corners of his mouth slightly move up. I laughed, "Thanks guys." "What did she mean by petty job though?" Gyutaro asked tilting his head to the side slightly. "Ah well, actually I'll have to show it to you guys! I'll be taking on another 'shift' tomorrow night, though I should stop hiding this from the council members. So I'll be bringing them along with me, which means no fighting!" I said scanning the group but mainly looking at akaza. "Hey! What are you mainly looking at me for!" I smiled and shrugged my shoulders before turning around. "Alright, how about we go shopping for some clothes!" I propose. "Good idea!" Douma said holding onto my arm. "Yea!" Daki said grabbing onto my other arm. The two exchanged glances, except one was more aggressive than the other.

I sighed and shook my head with a smile as we walked down to a clothing store. They had some pretty nice things, "Ah this is so expensive!" I looked over and saw one of the group members, except I haven't met him before. His eyes seemed to change to the color of blue, which actually intrigued me. I walked up behind him and placed a hand up to my chin as I looked over his shoulder. "Hmm, doesn't seem like too much. Do you like this?" His eyes widened and he quickly moved away. "Ah um well yes." He said. His face slowly turned red, making me giggle a little. "Well then I'll pay for it, my treat!" "H-huh? Oh you don't need to do that!" He said quickly. "Oh no I insist! We'll be seeing a lot more of each other lately anyways, so I atleast want to get you something!" "Are you sure?" He asked nervously. I smiled and nodded, "Of course! Also, I don't believe we've met. I'm nori, though I'm sure you already know." He nodded, "I'm hantengu." He said. A smile appeared on his face and his eyes slowly turned a golden color. "Wow, your eyes are very pretty! I've never seen someone with color changing eyes before!" I said with excitement. "You think my eyes are pretty?" I nodded, "Very pretty!" He smiled and blushes a bit more at my compliment.

I had him pick out some more outfits and paid for his things, along with some of the others who found this store and bit money hungry. I found quite a few outfits for me and we all left the store with our arms filled with shopping bags. "I'd say that shopping trip was quite fun!" I said with a laugh. I then spotted a jewelry store, "Now let's go there next!" I said walking over to the store. "How much money do you have?" Giyutaro asked confused. "Hm? Oh I have a couple Hundred million but Im using my brothers card that he allowed me to use today! Why spend my money when I can spend someone else's." I said with a laugh. "Sh-shes rich!" Hantengu said in disbelief. "If you have so much money why do you go to that college when you have the money to go to another?" Daki asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "Well sure they have a few hotties there but what's the point if you can't have fun with a bunch of stuck up snobs. I'll take my chances with all the fun drama that I don't have to get involved with!" I said with a wink and a thumbs up.

"I'm starting to think you should have been one of us instead!" Douma said with a wide grin. "I could, but this way I have a whole fan page full of simps who call me mommy and their queen. It's very ego boosting, basically feeding into my god complex. The one thing I don't show often...now thinking about that I actually want to change that." I said with a laugh. They couldn't believe what they were hearing, except for kokushibo. "I see you like the fan page I made for you." He said. Everyone went silent, before they heard a squeal come from y/n. "You're the one in charge of the fan page! That's so cool!" "Whaaaat! And you never told us!?" Douma whined. "My brother said to find a way to make you more known throughout the college, so I found some ideas and made the fan page. Also I never told you because I didn't think it would be necessary."

"Haha, this day just keeps getting even better!" I said with a smile. Soon we finally went to the jewelry store after a bit of chatting. I decided to buy them all some sort of jewelry, and then I decided to buy the council members something as well, along with tengen's girlfriend's and kokushibo's brother. After that we went to the food court since everyone seemed hungry and thirsty. This time muzan paid, mainly because of me to show his appreciation for buying him stuff. We found a good table to sit at and started to chat some more. "So y/n what do your parents do for a living?" Muzan asked. "Both are lawyers who work as the owners of bithmal law firm." I said taking a sip of (f/d). "Whoa! You mean the best law firm around?! That's amazing!" Hantengu said. I nodded, "It is quite fun. But sometimes boring when they are always so busy with work." I said with a sigh. "Hmm, sounds like a bit of a lonely life." Douma said. "Well it wasn't too lonely, I almost always had my older brother around! He can be a bit annoying at times, but he's still really fun." I said with a laugh. Gyutaro smiled, "Its good to have a sibling around." I nodded.

"So what does your brother do?" Akaza asked. "Ah, he works as a teacher at jujutsu high." I replied. (yes I'm adding in a bit of a cross over here, just for a bit of fun) "Really? I heard that's a really rich and and tough highschool!" He said. I nodded, "it's the one I went to, and I was both unlucky and lucky to have him as my teacher. He was both fun and annoying. Fun because we got to hang out more but annoying cause he teased and embarrassed me every chance he got." I said with a laugh. "Which then led to our on going prank war, we honestly still haven't stopped it. Neither of us are willing to call quits because our egis are a little to big for that." Akaza laughed a long with daki and gyutaro. "Reasonable." We continued to chat like this for a good while until it was time to go back to the dorms before curfew. Today was very enjoyable and I couldn't wait to have more fun like this.


Chapter four end

Bond precentages:

Daki: 28%

Hantengu: 17%

Akaza: 27%

Muzan: 14%

Gyutaro: 25%

Douma: 29%

Kokushibo: 12%

Fun Facts ☆

-->Kokushibo was secretly very happy that y/n appreciated his fan page

-->Douma found y/n's new personality hot and exciting

-->Akaza is not interested in seeing how strong y/n actually is


Short A/N

Omg finally I decided to work on this again lmao, lost motivation for some reason but I'm back again. Omg school is too stressful, but luckily I have one more year of highschool left and I'm done😮‍💨

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed chapter four! See ya later! Nori out😋🫶🏾

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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