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When I see the little electricity box, I know that I had already had ran two and a half kilometers. After the holidays, I had trouble starting running again. But last week, my dad bought me some new running shoes, so I guess didn't have a choice. I think it is time to stop for a moment to catch my breath and maybe take a little stretch. I put my sweaty headphones off and pause the song I was listening to. I took my brother's Walkman without asking, but I think he doesn't mind. He isn't around these days anyway. He says he is too busy studying for his upcoming exams, but I don't believe that. He thinks I don't know, but I know that he goes out almost every night, smoking pot with his weirdo skater friends. I look up to the sky and see that it is getting a bit darker. Now that it is turning colder, the days are also becoming a lot shorter. Though these last fall days are not that cold, I decided to wear a bodywarmer over my sweater anyway. I love taking a run on evenings like these. The road is completely empty except for an occasional car that passes by. It is quite all right to be all alone on this road in this gleaming landscape. I did ask my friend Poppy to come with me because running is something we sometimes do together. But she didn't want to come with. She thought it already was too dark outside. I think that's stupid since there is nothing to be afraid of. Nothing has ever happened in this small town. And we always choose to not run on the little paths through the fields, since there aren't any lanterns there. But I don't mind, because it is nice to be by myself occasionally. There is so much more to see when you are alone. Like the way that the trees are slowly starting to loose their colored leaves. And to smell the fresh Autum air. When I am with Poppy, we or mostly I am always talking. So maybe it's for the best that I am taking a run on my own now and then. I am excited for the winter to come, since then everything over here would be covered in a thick layer of snow. I glance at my watch and see that it is already half past eight. Poppy maybe was slightly right. When you become so absorbed in your thoughts, you can forget the time so easily. I think I will go just a tiny bit further and then return to my course. I am just on my way to continue when I suddenly feel a hard gush of wind blowing through my sweater. I can hear the sound of crunching dead leaves, flying over the road. A cold shiver runs down my spine. It makes me feel a bit uneasy, so I decide to take off again. I put my headphones back on and start running. I decide to go back already. I think I ran enough for today. But as I am running, the uneasy feeling doesn't go away. I try not to make myself more anxious and force myself to focus on the music I am listening to. However, whatever I try to distract myself, nothing helps. It's as if the peaceful atmosphere from just a moment ago has changed by the wind. But why do I suddenly feel so strange? It almost feels like something is keeping an eye on me, what doesn't make any sense. I am all alone, or at least I think I am. I feel that my heart is starting to beat faster. I stop running and I take my headphones off again. I look behind me, but I can see nothing there. Only the trees are getting smaller and I can see a squirrel, which is crossing the road at a high speed. 'See, there is nothing there! You are being delusional.', I say to myself. I sigh and start running again. I decide to keep my headphones off, just in case. I can't focus on the music anyway. I think I will be home in about twenty minutes. Maybe fifteen if I try really hard. But I don't think I can manage that, since my condition isn't the best at the moment. I can already see the gas station at the very end of the road. And I also think that my dad is still awake when I get home. I look up and I see that the moon is getting brighter and brighter. Why is it suddenly way darker than before? I took a quick pause just a minute ago. There is also something up with the air. It's like it is way colder than when I started this late-night run. While still running, I zip up my bodywarmer up to my chin. That feels better. Another gust of wind rustles through the treetops, followed by another. Suddenly it starts to get windy. The trees are wildly moving from left to right and I can hear some branches cracking and leaves are flying everywhere. Where is this coming from? In confusion, I stop running again for the third time. I look at the street lanterns and see that some of them have started to flicker. I don't get scared easily, but this does give me the shivers. Why is this happening? I want to get home now, but I still have a long way to go. I decide take off again, but then at a lot faster pace. I hear my feet stamping over the asphalt. The more anxious I get, the faster I try to run. All of a sudden, I notice that a large dark shadow has fallen over me. I can't see my own anymore. The only thing that gives light now is the creepy flickering lanterns that are standing beside the road. This is not right. Now I know for sure that I am in danger. In fright, I carefully look up and see that an enormous flying object has blocked the moonlight. It is so big, that I almost feel like it has blocked the entire sky. What in the world is that? I start to panic for real now. I need to get out of here as soon as possible. Whatever that thing is, I know for sure that it wants something from me. I begin to run even faster dan before. I can feel my heart that's now beating up my throat. Though I run as fast as my legs can carry me, it feels like I'm not getting a single meter further. When I look up again, I see that the object still hasn't gone away. What does it want from me? Is it even directed at me? Or am I making things up and in reality that thing isn't even there? I stop abruptly and keep my eyes on the thing. When I see a ray of light coming down, pointed at me. My heart drops. With trembling legs, I try to move my legs forward. It is coming to get me. I begin to start screaming hard. 'Help! Somebody, help me! I am about to get killed!' My legs want to give up so badly, but I don't want to stop. 'Help me!', I scream again in fear. Why aren't there any cars passing by now? 'Leave me alone!', I scream at the thing above me. 'Go get somebody else.' But it doesn't help. Nobody can hear my cry out for help. I'm all on my own. Tears start running down my cheeks. I'm running so fast now, that I almost can't feel my legs anymore. 'My father has a shotgun you know?!', I scream out of fear and frustration. Like that is going to make anything better. All I can do now is just trying to keep my pace up. But I'm so caught up in my head that I don't pay attention and miss the big crack in the asphalt. I trip and with a hard smack, I end up with my face flat on the ground. A stab of pain shoots through my entire body and I start to taste the bitter flavor of blood in my mouth. My head hurts and feels extremely heavy. I don't want to give up, and I try to push myself up with both my hands. But I am too weak and I fall again. I realize that it is over. All I can do is hoping for some kind of miracle or that my agony won't last long. A single wet tear from my cheek runs down to my neck. My vision starts to get blurry. It feels like I am being lifted from the ground. I see that the surface beneath me is getting smaller and smaller. My brother's Walkman just lies there, shattered in pieces. It is almost like I am floating on something. I hear nothing anymore, like I am gone death. My head is pounding like crazy and I have trouble keeping my eyes open. But I don't have to anymore, since my whole sight gets blocked by a bright blue light.

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