Chapter 6 - Gunpowder and Swords

Start from the beginning

"You loved him too, don't you, Denji?" 

"You two know each other?" Aki asked. 

"What are you tryna say?" 

"What I'm trying to say is, the gun devil wants your heart" The man then reached for something in his pocket.

Y/N's face brightened as he finally remembered "Oh right! It sounds like a gun! It's like my revolver, but of course, mine is better in every aspec-" 

The man pulled out a gun and shot Denji in the head. Y/N was surprised and so did everyone else. 

"Oh shit!" Y/N cussed. 

The man shot Aki, hitting him in the shoulder. The man aimed at Himeno, but before he could fire another shot, Y/N appeared in front of him and disarmed him. 

Y/N shoulder'd the man in the chin, and Power followed up with a gut punch, which sent him flying, and hitting the wall. 

"Topknot!" Power called out. 


The head of the Fox devil appeared and swallowed the man whole. After everyone assumed that it's over, Aki worriedly looked at Denji. 

Y/N went over to Denji and poked him with a random stick laying near him "He's gonna live, is he?" 

"He's a hybrid, just drop him some blood" 

"How did that guy get a gun? Only police and devil hunters only get access to those" Himeno asked. 

Aki's face turned sour "Gun devil... So it's after Denji, huh. Alright, first things first, let's get Denji back to HQ" 

"Hayakwa Aki..." The Fox spoke "You put something outrageous in my mouth, it's not a devil nor human-"

The Fox devil's head suddenly got split apart, and what came out of it was a hybrid like Denji. It looked like Denji's hybrid form, but this one got swords instead of chainsaws. 

"Lookey here, it's Denji's cousin!" Y/N grinned as he prepped up his gun and dagger. 

Aki held the handle of the nail sword that was hanging on his waist, but before he could pull it out, Himeno held his hand. 

"Don't you dare use it!" Himeno said. 

Aki hesitated to let go of the handle but soon followed Himeno's commands "Power, wake Denji up" 

Power nodded and pulled Denji's string. Denji's body started shaking, transforming into his hybrid form. 


"I'm going to kill you again" The Sword hybrid said.

Y/N's grin widens "There's the big guy. Slacking off during work eh?" 


"Jeez, no humor at all" 

"Now's not the time for jokes, Y/N" Aki scolded. 

The Sword hybrid lowered it's head and crouched. Y/N saw this as an opportunity to strike, so he dashed forward. 

Before he could take the third step, Sword was already behind him. Y/N looked down on his waist to see that he had been sliced in half. 

"Argh! I may have underestimated him" Y/N grunted. He crawled on his lower half and attached it back, smoke rising from the wound.

"Sorry guys, I'll be out for a while. I'm gonna be back to tip-top shape in 10 seconds. Hey, Aki! Use my dagger if you wanna!" Y/N tossed the dagger to Aki, who caught it. 

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