Cat Chase

753 29 17

Haha, this took longer than expected.

If you notice grammar mistakes, please tell me!


"Incoming!" Tang shouts. Frozen in place, the others only point with a gaping mouth and shocked face. You stare at the incoming demon, who nears the hovercraft at an increasing speed.

You place your hands on your hips as you said, "So are you guys going to stop him or...?"

Sandy was the only one that actually took action and was not panicking. He stepped up, stood in front of everyone, and braced himself by raising his arms to ready for a punch. With nothing but strength, Sandy thrusts his fist forward, meeting the ship head on. Explosion follows the collision; fire and smoke shooting out.

When everything disperses, Sandy is revealed to be holding up Red Son by the head as the vehicle falls apart and is now nothing but scraps. The others peek from behind Sandy, all surprised with the latter. "Red Son?"

The mention of the name snaps Sandy out of his daze, equally as shocked when he saw Red Son. He drops him without him without a second thought, doing it in a way as if it were trash he was holding.

Red Son falls to the ground on his butt. Before he could even compose himself, Mei shouts "Get him!" And everyone tackled him. They pin him to the ground, face flush against the floor. They start interrogating him, offending Red Son when they assume him as one of Spider Queen's servants.

"Henchman?" He repeats, "-Get off me you filthy peasants!" Fuming, he sends them flying. You step aside, barely missing the lot. Can't say he's wrong for that though.

Red Son proceeds to give his story; apparently his father got captured. Well, the Monkey King did get captured so it's not really much of a surprise. You turn to the others. Though this seemed to calm them. And also probably sympathize with him.

"So if you'll excuse me, I'll just steal this ship and be on my way."

"Wait what?- That's not-"

"Fine. Will you let me steal your ship so I can go save my father and also the world from this spider menace." He said "Please."

You give him a pointed look. Is this guy for real? "Yeah no. That's not really helping." The others seemed to agree as they weren't taking his shit today. They blow up on him. Sandy on the other hand is convinced. You sent him a look, quirking a brow.

"Y'know, for a mad scientist that's pretty stupid of you." You point out, crossing your arms.

Red Son turns to you with an extremely judgemental face. There's a moment of prolonged eye contact between the two of you as you glare at each other. He turns back to the others, unimpressed. "Since when do you peasants have a servant?"

You gasp violently, offended. "Excuse me?" You brought a hand to your chest, eyeing him up and down with a narrowed glare.

Mei cuts in before you could spit out an insult, "Actually, this is-'' She paused, having fallen into thought for a short while. "Wait, you never gave us your name now that I think about it." From your glaring session with Red Son to owlishly blinking at Mei, you realize; oh right, you didn't. With your whole being grumpy bull, the idea of proper introduction didn't hit you.

Though even then, you probably won't be sparing a name still. Plus, you aren't actually sure on how those work. This is the first time in a while you've talked to someone you've just met. And almost all of the ones before you don't introduce yourself.

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