when you get into a fight

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Bang Chan:
- would be disappointed in you
- will be worried
- "Are you okay? Why did you even fight?!"
- nags about it

Lee Minho:
- thinks you're lying
- he'd be kinda shocked
- "Well did you at least win?"
- proud of you that you won

Seo Changbin:
- would be confused
- questions why'd you fight
- "What where is he? I need to teach him a lesson as well"
- gets mad at the person who you fought with

Hwang Hyunjin:
- really dramatic
- checks if you're wounded
- "How could you fight someone with out me?!"
- tells you to not do it without him lol

Han Jisung:
- doesn't believe you
- "Wait, you really fought?"
- big gasppp
- tells you to never do it again

Lee Felix:
- super worried
- lowkey surprised
- hugs you and lectures you in a sweet way :3

Kim Seungmin:
- he'd be silent for a bit
- "You fought? I told you to not do that"
- lowkey disappointed
- makes you apologize

Yang Jeongin:
- super shocked :O
- "Are you okay? Is the other hurt?"
- surprised that you would get physically into a fight instead of verbal
- insists that you apologize since hurting someone is never good :3

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