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~ Chapter five ~

Episode five: the flea and the acrobat

Eventually when they pulled up out side of the Wheeler house Ivy practically tumbled on to the floor, looking up at the five kids staring at her.

"This is exactly why you should know how to ride a bike" Dustin Henderson said shaking his head as the three boys helped the girl she didn't know into the house.

Ivy followed them all down into the basement, the three boys and Lou were huddled in the corner discussing something and the blonde girl was laying on the sofa looking depressed so she lifted up her legs and sat down, putting her legs over her lap.

"Hey kid, you don't look so good, what's your name?" Ivy asked her quietly.

The girl tilted her head as she looked at her, "eleven" she said before laying her head back on the arm of the sofa.

"Okay, the party have decided that you can be in the loop" Dustin spoke as they all gathered around the elder teen.

"Okay, go ahead"

The three boys all started talking over eachother and Lou rubbed her palm on her forehead, "guys! One at a time"

"Sorry" Lucas smiled at her.

"Well, this is eleven, El for short, we found her in the woods." Mike spoke first giving Eleven a warm smile.

"She has superpowers" Lucas added.

"She's been channeling this, uhm, other side kind of place. And well- we think Will is alive." Mike nodded.

"She says he's hiding there, because there's a monster that's trying to find him" Dustin chimed in.

Ivy stared at them all with her mouth slightly open, "what the fuck?" She said more a question than a statement.

"I didn't believe them either, but El showed us. That's why we were at the school, she used the av club's new radio to tap in to wherever Will is" Lou told her, "he's alive Ivy, I just know it. I know his voice the same way you know my brothers, it was him." Her eyes started to water.

Ivy stood moving El's legs gently and engulfed Lou in a hug, "I believe you don't worry, if you all say he's alive. Then I believe you" she kissed the top of her head as Lou buried her face in her shoulder.

The group of them were all exhausted and Ivy opted to go upstairs and get them all some refreshments, she wondered up the stairs and smiled to Mrs Wheeler who gave her a confused look.

"Hey Mrs Wheeler" Ivy smiled looking around the kitchen, "I said I'd get everyone some drinks" she gestured to the basement door.

"Your hanging out with twelve year olds?" The woman raised a brow.

"Lou- Laura White, she's like my little sister" Ivy told her, "with everything going on at the minute she's been a mess, so I figured getting her out of the house to see some friends would do her some good." She grinned.

"Oh, well that's kind of you, the glasses are in here" she opened up a cupboard, "and there's juice and soda in the fridge. I usually just take the whole bottle down, they finish it so fast" she nodded and then walked into the living room.

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