If werewolves and vampires aren't suppose to like each other than why did he leave with her?

Remembering my first day brought back the memory of Austin pushing Tristen into me. The feeling that I got when we touched. That shock and warmth and familiar feeling that came over me. Maybe that's part of what it means to be his mate.

Mate. I laid down on my pillows and looked up at the ceiling. What does that even mean really? All he said was that its a person a werewolf spends the rest of their life with. So, like a high school sweetheart? Does that mean if I don't like him or if I reject him, do I still have to friends with him? Am I part of the pack some how?

I can't picture myself rejecting Tristen. My heart gives a little squeeze at the idea. I like him, really like him. But I've only lived here for three weeks. I don't know if he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. How do you know if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone? I've never been in love. Sure I've date one or two guys but they never lasted longer than a few months. Never long enough for me to figure out if I loved him or not.

I ran a hand over my face. I need someone to tell me more about this. But it can't be Tristen. I can't bare the thought of hurting his feelings and who knows what I'm going to say to all the info that comes with knowing.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and went to my contacts, after finding the right person I hit call.


"Ash, it's me."

"Hey," Her voice took on a happier note after finding out who it was. "Whats up? How'd your date go?"

Her question threw me off for a second, I was so concerned with mine and Tristen talk today I forgot that I told her I would call her and tell her about my date. "

"Actually there's a lot I need to tell you. And I have a few questions. Can you come over?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in five." Ash's teacher voice was back on and the line went dead soon after.


Not long after hanging up the phone Ash was at my front door. I opened it wide waving her in. We walked to the kitchen and she sat down at the kitchen island. Ash's hair was in a high pony tail today with her waves reaching her shoulders. I don't think I've ever seen her hair up and it looks good, her face not hidden by hair. She has very beautiful blue green eyes.

"So, What happened? What do you need to talk about?" She asked resting her arms on the counter.

I opened my mouth but when I did a phone went off. Ash pulled her phone out of her back pocket glancing at the screen then re pocketing it. She gave me an encouraging smile to continue.

"My date got cut short actually," I started. "Just when Tristen was about to tell me about vampires something happened."

She frowned. "Like what?"

Again I went to open my mouth but her phone went off. Ash rolled her eyes and dug out her phone. She tapped away at the screen the put it back away.

"Do you need to call someone? Or did you have plans?" I asked. "Because it's okay if you do, we can talk about this later."

She shock her head making her pony tail whip back and forth. "No, it's just Roxy. If I don't come over right away or text back right away she gets mad."

"If you two had plans-"

"No, we didn't. I just told her I'm with you." She rolled her eyes again and sighed. "She's just letting her anger out now."

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