††Chapter Eleven††

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Chapter Eleven


"I told hobbitses not to look into the lights. But no, hobbitses do not listen." a voice said in the middle of the camp.

When the hobbits woke up the light of day was just shining above the horizon. Cody and Frodo laid together and when they woke Cody's head rested on Frodo's chest. His arm was wrapped around her waist in a protective way. When Cody looked up at him with sleepy eyes he smiled so wide his eyes almost disappeared and Cody rested her head back on his chest.

She wished she could stay like that with him forever. His smell blocked out the horrible oder that wafted up from the swamp. He smelled like fresh air and the pine trees that grew down by the main tributary off of the Brandywine river. But, it was over all too soon for both of them.

"And where were you last night?" Sam demanded.

"I was only over there by that bush hobbitses." Sméagol said with innocence and pointed to the shrub.

"You filthy liar!" Sam snarled and tackled the creature, "Where were you?" he demanded again. His only response was a pitiful cry as Sméagol laid on the ground defenceless

"Sam!" Frodo scolded as he slowly got up. Cody was disappointed but she didn't show it for she didn't want to be the clingy girl. "Let him up, he is our only way out of here and to Mordor."

"But if he really was behind that bush why didn't he help you?"

"It doesn't matter now, I'm clearly fine now and you did a great job pulling us out."


"No buts, let's just eat a quick breakfast and then we'll be on our way."

"Frodo?" Cody asked.

"Yes?" he replied and turned around to face her.

"Why do you protect that creature? Sam did have a good point and you have to admit it."

"Because," he said while he looked her in the eyes and grabbed both of her arms, "Of pity. I pity him just as Bilbo felt pity for him when he could have struck him down and ended it all."

"But you are not Bilbo, you are Frodo Baggins son of Drogo. I know you love your uncle, as did all hobbits, but stop trying to be someone you're not. Tell me the real reason why you protect him instead of your best friend.

Frodo stared into her emerald eyes and tried to drop the subject, "Has anyone told you how beautiful you look?"

"Your avoiding the question." she stated but a light blush rose on her cheeks. He tried to look away from her intense stare but she lifted his chin up so he had to look at her. "You can tell me."

"To be honest," he sighed, "I don't know why I protect him. Maybe it's the fact that he once carried the same burden that I carry now, I don't know."

Cody knew he would say no more and let go of his chin. However, he did not let go of her arms. His eyes seemed to stare off into space and he grabbed her arms tighter.

"Frodo stop, you're hurting me!" she cried. His knuckles had turned white but he didn't loosen his grip when she cried out. "Let go!"

"He knows we're here, the Eye has seen us." he rasped in a voice she had never heard before.

"Frodo!" she screamed. The blood flow had stopped and his stubby fingernails dug into her arm. When she screamed he returned to himself and looked down in fear at what he had done. When he removed his hands white ghosts appeared on her arm and small dots of blood welled up from his nails.

"I- I'm sorry." he stammered his eyes were still wide in fear. He began to back away from her but she tried to stop him. "No, I- I did that to you."

"Stop." she grabbed his shirt and he was forced to stop backing up. She pulled him towards her and wrapped her arms around his neck. "What did we say last night? I will always love you no matter what, nothing will separate us. Why should this be the one thing that does?"

"But I hurt you and I swore I would never do that."

"You could never hurt me my love." she whispered.

As they stood there the light from the sun wavered and their hearts were filled with fear. No one moved, no blinked, no one breathed as they waited. The light wavered again and this time a horrible shriek pierced through them and echoed around the swamp. They all fell to the ground, trembling, and covered their ears to try and block out the cry.

The cry stopped just long enough for Frodo to say in a shaky voice, "We need to hide from this thing."

"But where? We are out in the open and there is no where to hide." Sam argued.

"Hobbitses! Hobbitses! This way!" Sméagol beckoned them over to a large shrub like plant. He lifted up one of the branches to reveal a spacious room that could house all of them. The branches were in full bloom and where so thick that you couldn't see through any of them.

With out any hesitation everyone picked up their own packs and scurried over to the bush. Their breathing was heavy and sweat beaded their foreheads out of fear. They tried to calm down so their breathing wasn't as loud and listened for the Nazgūl to appear.

After about twenty minutes of hiding nothing had happened. The sun wavered once more and the fear that was in their hearts vanished.

"I think it's safe to go out now." Sam whispered.

"Sam, no!" Cody hissed but it was too late. Sam had lifted up the branch and out of no where the Black Rider appeared on his horrible mount.

"I know you are here Cody Proudfoot." he rasped in his horrible voice.

A cry caught in her throat as she realised that he was the one who had been controlling her for he had the same voice.

"Bring yourself forward and present yourself before me and I will not harm the one whom you love."

Tears pooled in her eyes as he said this to her. Where the splinter used to be she felt a slight sting and the faintest of pulls. She looked over at the terrified Frodo and watched as he returned her look.

"No," he said in terror as he realised what she was about to do, "Don't do it, do not throw yourself away like this!"

"I love you Frodo." she cried and kissed him one last time before she ducked out of the bush and faced her worst nightmare.

----------If any of my readers are reading this on a Kindle Fire will you please tell me how many pages this was? I just want to know if I should make these longer or shorter or keep them the same. Thanks for reading! Oh! Before I forget this is dedicated to @livinyoung13 just 'cause. ~God Bless ----------

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