Chapter 1 Five years ago

Start from the beginning

His eyes widened suprised from my action and he just continued to stare into my e/c eyes. His blue eyes are like an ocean that I can swim in. I would say more but I just need him to leave. I need him to live.

"I will be okay." My voice cracks as I hold back my tears. Twilight clenches his jaw as he takes my hat off while kissing my forehead leaving me shocked. But I was in too much pain to express it.

"I will see you tomorrow, Agent Crimson." Twilight says as he runs off making me smile

I stop holding my bleeding side since there was no point on stopping it. I'm going to die anyway.

"I will see you in paradise." A single teardrop falls from my eye slowly gliding down my cheek.

I get us slowly it hurt like hell but now that the bomb is gone I can finish the job much easier.

Twilights Pov:

I drive off with the bomb in the seat she once sat at all these years. Looking in the rearview mirror I wait for her to come out. Her hand prints on my cheeks from when she held my face. My face now has her blood on it. That moment she held my face made me feel weird. But now I just had to destroy this bomb so it won't cause harm the way it was intended on doing.

My eyes widened as I saw an explosion where the warehouse and where she once was. I step on the break hard jumping out of the vehicle. She said we will see each other tomorrow. The growing flames fill my eyes with smoke coming out. Pieces of it flying out. My heart drops as I know what happened. All I could watch was the flames.

A salty tear starts trickling down my cheek along with another than another than more. Not stopping. It all just keeps coming. I never had an emotion show like this before and I never cried like this before. Mix of emotions all coming out at once. Anger, Sadness, and Regret.

Her smile, the way she joked with me, her laugh, and the way she cared. Everything is now perishing. I will never see her again and hear her sweet angelic voice.

I yell loudly from anger kicking the car over and over again. Punching the glass windows from the emotions I'm feeling. Why do I care so much? Why am I just now feeling like this?!

"FUCK!!!" I shout out.

I grabbed her black hat because I would give it to her tomorrow. To finally show my emotions and joke back with her.

Now she's gone...And I never got to know her real name who she really was.

5 years later

"Papa! Papa!" A tiny annoying voice calls me as I turn slowly to face her

After losing my partner I decided not to ever work with anyone. So I got better and hid more emotion. Over the years I've been the best agent out there. Now I'm working on a very important operation. But it required me getting a family since I couldn't work alone. I now have a fake wife and a kid that we adopted. My fake wife of course thinks she is my biological daughter but Anya and I keep it secret.

My fake wife's name is Yor and my daughter is Anya.

"Yes Anya?" I ask as I look down at her as I make breakfast for them

"Um well I went into your room and I found this hat." She shows me the hat that I kept hidden away. Along with those memories. Those painful memories. "It's pretty cool and has some red in it. Can I keep it?" She smiles brightly

My eyes widened but I quickly swiped it away from her marching down the hall.

"No. Now don't go in my room and do not touch things that are not yours." I sternly spoke as I slam the door locking it from the outside

"Oh ok Papa." Anya puts her head down as she walks sadly to the table

I seriously don't know how I'm still doing this at this point. This parenting stuff is hard.

"Anya I just don't want my personal things touched." I speak more softly or nicely as others can put it

She nods as she digs in her omelet right away. I sigh as I eat with her. Yor joining us too. It was the usual morning talk but Yor called my name taking me out of my thoughts.

"Loid, how about in a week or so we can go out to eat as a family." Yor smiles as Anya firmly nods

"Actually maybe it's best if it is just the two of us. Anya can stay and Frankie can watch her." I nonchalantly say. I need more information on her and her brother but of course maybe I will learn a thing or two about her.

"O-Oh I-I don't want you to take t-time away from Anya." She blushes harshly waving her hands dismissively

"I don't mind. I want to hang with scruffy head anyway." Anya smiles

I look over at Yor with a brow raised waiting for her answer.

"I suppose w-we can g-go then." She shyly response as she looks away with her red face

"Good. We can go this Friday." I wipe my mouth as I smile walking to the kitchen to wash the dishes

"But that's today!" She yells

"The sooner the better!" I respond as I turn the faucet on. Yor gets up and she walks to her shutting the door. I distinctly hear her panic about the whole thing. I chuckle and shake my head from it.

She gets nervous and flustered so easily it's enjoyable sometimes. But there has been this bar that is very luxurious so there might be parents from Anya's school there. It just opened a few weeks ago so it will be somewhere the target will be. If he is there then I'll just chat with him and maybe get a playdate with his kid for Anya.

I also need a break from Anya she actually wears me out at moments. She dramatically changes her answer and attitude at moments leaving Yor and I confused by her actions.

Oh well she is just a kid and maybe that's how they all act.

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