The News

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Onodera POV
It was just a normal day at Marukawa Publishing until Takano San started coughing. I was by his side in a second, patting his back. He smiled at me weakly. Something is seriously wrong with him. Right at that thought, he smiled at me once before his eyes rolled back, and he fell back, hitting his head against the table. He fell unconscious.

I felt the back of his head and it was wet. I saw that it was blood. Takano is bleeding!!!

"HATORI!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!!" I desperately screamed between my sobs. Hatori came right away. He picked him up, and we both dashed to the hospital. No, no, please. Please don't die on me. You have so much to live for. I was unconsciously holding Takanos hand. I was crying in his lap the whole way to the hospital.

When we finally got a doctor, he asked what our relationship with Takano was. Hatori explained that we were both his coworkers. When the doctor was not letting us through, I blurted out that I was his lover. That caused two confused looks at me, but the doctor let me in so it was fine. I gripped onto the edge of his bed, crying, while I desperately waited for the results of test on him to see what was wrong.

As I was waiting, my heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. I am such an idiot for thinking I wanted to get rid of Takano.

Just then, the doctor came in with the news. I immediately stood up.

"Soo..?" I said, a lot more confident than I feel inside. The doctor cleared his throat.

"I think it is best to say when he is conscious." said the doctor. Just then, Takanos eyes fluttered open. On instant, I smiled at him and grabbed his hand. He looked shocked for a moment.

"Hello, Mr. Takano. I'm sure you don't remember, but you are in the hospital because you had a panic attack and fell against a table causing your head to split open. We ran a few tests to see what is wrong with you." Explained the doctor. Haha, well a lot of things are wrong with you but we mean physically. I giggled at that thought. Both Takano and the doctor was looking at me like I am crazy. I looked away embarrassed.

"Sorry, I had a funny thought." I explained. I itched the back of my head nervously. I looked at the doctor. "Ok, so what are the results?"

"Takano, by any chance, do you smoke?" Asked the doctor. What does that have to do with anything? Takano nodded.

"Ah, then this makes sense." replied the doctor. That doesn't sound good. my heart was beating out of my chest by this point. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I was so nervous.

I kept my voice as calm as I can, but is came out very raspy. "Just tell us what is wrong." The doctor looked at me, surprised that I'm so emotional, I guess. I felt Takanos eyes boring into me. I tried my hardest to not look at him. His eyes are probably full of pity. Pity? Pity for ME? What a selfless asshole he is.

"Takano Masamune, you have lung cancer." Said the doctor. That was the final straw. I took up my bag, and just left. I heard Takano call after me, but I didn't care. I had to get out of there.

Once I saw a good spot, I collapsed onto the floor and sobbed my eyes out. Why the hell did he have to go and get lung cancer? More importantly, why didn't I stop him from smoking? Does the world hate me? Yes, yes it does. If it didn't hate me, then it wouldn't take him away from me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I bolted around saying "WHAT!?" A little too harshly. It is Takano. His eyes were wide from shock. I immediately felt guilty.

"Sorry..." I apologized. I can't look at him in the eyes because I know I will start crying again. He forced me to look at him.

He gave me a heartwarming hug. I immediately started to tear up. I felt so frustrated, guilty, wanting to stay in his arms forever, wanting to leave so I don't see him die, .... At that last thought, I tightened the hug. I don't want him to die. I don't. He is the one person who will absolute break me if he dies.

My mind wandered to win I broke it off the first time. Specifically how heartbroken I felt.

And now, ten years later, he just enters my life again telling me that he have been in love with me this whole time. What's more, he stayed by my side even though I told him countless times to stop. I guess I fell in love with that persistentness of him. At that thought, I sucked in my breath. I love him. I love him. I really do.

Takano was looking at me confused. I just shook my head.

I stood up to leave, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

Again, I am in love with his persistentness. I felt myself melting in his grasp. I pushed his hands closer to me, and I simply just shut my eyes, feeling his warmth. He doesn't deserve to die. I love him. I love him. I love him so much it hurts.

I unconsciously opened my mouth, and said "I..." It wasn't until I opened my mouth until I realized what I was about to say. I aggressively closed my mouth. My face burned a bright red. I was about to confess to him. I can't do that. Not while he is dying. He let go of me, and I unconsciously grunted. He was looking at me amused.

"What were you about to say?" He said. It almost sounded like he knew. He probably does.

I looked at him straight in the eyes, and said, "Nothing important." Just when I felt like he was believing it, I started started laughing hysterically. So much for him believing me.

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