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I pace around my room, my mind flowing with thoughts. It was as if up until this point I have been sleepwalking my way around. Had I not realized how completely insane this place was? What a monster Papa was? I had only been here for a day, but I knew I needed to get out. I think about what Peter had said. He promised he could get me out of here. I know I can't trust him, though I ache to find somebody who I can. I think about Four, Two, and Three. Maybe they could help me with all of this. They understand what I'm going through better than anyone. But my mind reflects on what Peter said, about watching who I surround myself with. He must've been hinting that I shouldn't befriend Four and her friends. Why?

Then I remember Two's conversations that I'd overheard today. His threat towards Eleven. Maybe Peter was right. My mind is muddled and I sigh. Suddenly, stars cloud my vision. I'm exhausted. I slump over to my bed and collapse down on it, staring at the ceiling.

This whole place is stupid. I wish I had never been abducted by Papa and his stupid little army of super-children.

I wonder about my life back home. Did I have parents? Siblings? A pet? Did I have friends? Did I go to school? I close my eyes and try to picture it. A memory, any memory.

But it was blank.

I am utterly empty. Everything that I have been through, every moment that I have lived up to this point has been stripped from me and I am left defenseless. I am left as a shattered pile of bones. Ones that used to make up my old self. I feel a tear escape my eye and I start to sob.

This isn't fair, this isn't fair, this isn't fair.

I lay like this for a while, letting the tears escape. My body aches and thirst scratches the back of my throat. I'm hungry after only breakfast this morning and I wish I could shower.

There's a knock at the door. I'm not sure what to say. I don't get much privacy before it's unlocked and Peter is in the doorway. I quickly wipe at my tears with my bare wrist. I wish these hospital gowns were longer.

"Time for lunch. Are you ready?" He asks. I'm sitting up now and I sigh. I stand up weakly before quickly falling back down again. Peter briskly walks over.

"Are you alright?" He asks, putting the back of his hand to my forehead.

"You look green." He says. I look up at him through tear-blurred eyes and I see his sympathetic expression.

"Come on, let's go," He says, putting an arm under my shoulders. He helps me stand up and I feel faint. I can't see straight anymore. The last thing I see before I pass out is the camera in the corner. The light is still blinking. It's watching.


I wake up in a familiar bed. It's in the nurse's room. I can tell because there are machines surrounding me. They're beeping obnoxiously. I feel uncomfortably cold and I wiggle my fingers, testing their mobility.

"You're awake." someone says. I squint my eyes open and see Peter, sitting by my side. He smiles at me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You fell unconscious right before lunch." He replies. I remember now. I had tried to stand up but my body failed me. I sighed.

But then it happened.

Another memory came back.

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