Keira laughed as Rebekah stormed into the room as well.

"You were right. The girl, Cami – she's the key. Marcel likes her, and because of that I got to see the secret weapon of his that you've been going on about," she said, totally ruining the moment.

"Well, don't stand on ceremony. What is it?" Nik asked.

"It's not a 'what', it's a 'who'. A girl, Davina. She can't be more than sixteen, and I have never felt power like that," Rebekah replied.

"A witch?" Keira asked. Rebekah nodded.

"She's not just any witch, she's something I've never seen before, something beyond powerful, and now because of you she has Elijah. Who knows what she could do to him," Rebekah said, panicking. Keira though for a moment, remembering something she had learned about New Orleans witches when she and Kol had run with them in the 19th century.

"Where is she?" Nik asked.

Rebekah thought for a moment, before looking confounded. "That clever bitch. I don't know."

"What's wrong?" Keira asked.

"She wiped my memory of the location. Marcel possesses a weapon bigger and more powerful than an Original, and you handed our brother to him! How many times will Elijah forgive you? How long until his hope for your redemption finally dies?"

"I did what I had to do! Marcel took our home!"

"And our home is worthless without family. I am finding Elijah – whatever it takes. Are you going to help me?"

Nik looked down for a moment. "Whatever it takes," he said finally.


Keira walked into the Abattoir on Nik and Rebekah's account to find Marcel and Thierry Vanchure.

"Look, I know you and Klaus are friends, but the fact is, since the Originals showed up-" Thierry started, but he stopped the second Keira entered.

"Oh, come on, Thierry. What did Nik do to you, give you a fatal werewolf bite?" she asked. Thierry stared at her. "Oh. Ok, so, Nik gave you a fatal werewolf bite. But you're still alive and well, obviously, so, bygones be bygones."

Thierry turned to Marcel in annoyance. "So, the Originals have free rein of the compound now, too."

"Yes. Well, seeing as my family and I lived here- built the place, in fact-"

"All right. Come on. You both know the drill. Thierry's my guy, inner circle-" Marcel said.

"Good reason for me to kill him," Keira muttered. Marcel ignored her.

"-And Keira Mikaelson here is the sister of Klaus, my old time friend and sire. She's a guest here, so peace, both of you, ok?" Marcel said, turning to Keira. "What do you need, baby Mikaelson."

"First off, will everyone please stop calling me baby Mikaelson?" Keira said. "Like I've said to basically everyone else I've me in the 21st century, I have a little brother, and just because he is dead, does not mean he is not still the baby Mikaelson! Second off, Rebekah and I were insisting to big brother Niklaus to demand Elijah's return. Seeing as my brother is a prideful idiot, he insisted he sends me, which doesn't even make sense cuz I never even liked you! Either way, Bex is quite pissed about it."

"I'll say," Marcel replied.

Thierry scoffed. "We already have three lunatic originals roaming around town. We're not going to let another join the mix, right? Half our guys think the sisters were the ones who killed those nightwalkers."

"Is that an accusation against two originals?" Keira said. "I mean, I can't argue with the lunatic part, but like, are you seriously accusing two originals of killing random vampires we didn't even know?"

"Yes," Thierry said. "I'm accusing you of doing something you would very likely do."

"You appear to be craving conflict," Keira said. "Can't blame you, I've been here, like, a week, and I have already decided- this town blows."

Thierry approached her angrily, but was stopped by Marcel.

"Hey hey, what did I say about peace?" he said. "Come. Walk with me."

Keira walked with Marcel out to the balcony. "Your inner circle man lacks a sense of humor," she said.

"If I recall, you did too last I saw you," Marcel replied. "He's a little overprotective, but loyal to a fault. I saved his life back in the '40s, found him dying of a war wound outside a hospital. He'd kill for me and die for me. Plus, that boy can play the trumpet like you would not believe. Maybe I'll see if he can play a little tonight at the party. You and your siblings are coming, right?"

Keira shrugged. "Sure Nik would love to see his formerly most important and only adoptive child. And Bex, I'm sure she'd love to sleep with you again. Now, can you please answer the question I was forced to come here to ask?"

"Listen, about your brother... I would love to help you out, but Thierry is right. My guys are on edge. They see the Original family moving in, vampires dying? It makes them nervous. If I hand Elijah back now, it might give the wrong impression about who's really in charge here. You know what I mean?" Marcel replied. The moment after saying that, Keira was forced to fight her vampire face and the urge to rip off Marcel's head. "I can see you trying not to kill me," he said.

Keira fake smiled, masking her anger. "You have to understand- I had to ask."

Keira called Nik when she was sure she was out of earshot from Marcel.

"Remember Plan B? Time for war."

The Other Mikaelson- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now