"It ain't really gone be nobody but us and I'll tell him to put it away."

"Ima take a nap when we leave here and see how I feel when I wake up."

I been in the house for a while though so might as welllllll.

Our food came out and I wasted no time digging in. One thing about it, my lil ass can fuck up some food!


"Harm who all these cars belong to? Ain't you say it was just us?" I glanced at her while pulling into the boy Teejay's driveway.

"I said that?" She furrowed her eyebrows and I sucked my teeth cause she know damn well.

"Man just come on." I cut the car off and we got out.

I could already hear his retarded dog barking as we knocked on the door, "Did you tell him to do something with that dog?"

"I'm bout to." She replied, the door swung open and it was Max— Teejay's brother.

We greeted each other and Harmony walked in meanwhile I stood outside, "Put yall dog away."

"She ain't worried about you."

"Yes she is, look at her." The mf was staring at me with her mouth open like she was ready to eat me.

"Alright hol'on." He went and took her somewhere then I came in the house.

It was hella heads in here, I ain't recognize none of them— I followed Harmony to the kitchen where there was drinks and food.

She passed me a cup and I took it before filling it with casamigos and henny; my favorites.

"Don't you think that's a little too much?" A random standing beside me asked, "It's enough." I replied, cause you in my grown ass business for what...

"Jillyyy." Teejay dragged my name while walking towards me for a hug.

"Hey friend."

"Come with me." Harmony pulled me into the living room with her— where everybody else was.

She sat on the couch and I sat on her lap cause there wasn't anywhere else to sit.

I noticed the females across the room was mugging and staring at us— I just hope they don't think I'm worried about any nigga in this room.

Plus we all was pretty, the jealousy was unnecessary. I can't stand a female like that.

I took a sip from my drink and just observed my surroundings, I don't see why Harmony thought it'd be fun to come sit in a house full of people we don't know and stare at each other.

"You want this?" Harmony held up a blunt, "No."

I could do the drinking but smoking? I ain't finna let my pretty lips turn black.

The person sitting beside us got up and left so I took their seat, I ended up next to this fine ass nigga with braids; I'm more of a dread head kinda girl but he got a pass.

He was into his phone and I'm nosey as hell so I was looking out the corner of my eye, he was texting somebody so I read the messages.

"What should I say back?" I heard him say and I looked straight ahead quick ASF! I just hope he wasn't talking to me.

"Yeen gotta look away na, I seen you looking."


"My bad, ima mind my business." I told him while holding my cup to my mouth and taking small sips of that strong ass liquor.

"You good." He chuckled, "Who you here for?"

"I'm with my cousin." I said still looking straight. I knew he was staring at me and I can't do the eye contact thing so I refused to look at him.

"How old are you?"

Who told him to keep talking to me

"Nineteen, you?"

"Twenty two."


"What's yo name?"

"Jisele but I go by Jilly."

"That Mexican ass name." He said making me scrunch my face up, "What Mexican person named Jisele?"

"A lot em."

"Well what's your name?"


"That's cute."

"So are you."

"Huh?" I looked at him.

"Huh?" He responded.

I laughed and immediately stopped when my phone rang. It was a jail call— coulda swore Jd said he was gone speak to me tomorrow.

I debated on answering it; cause if I don't, he gone swear I was doing something— but if I do, ima mess up my chance with this boy.

Harmony reached over and declined it for me, "You welcome."

"What nigga stressing you out from a cell?" Milo asked and I looked at him confused, "What make you say that?"

"I know that number by heart."

"It's just this boy I know; he lonely in there so I talk to him from time to time." I lied straight through my uneven teeth.

Whole time I'm in a full blown relationship with that nigga

"You know them?" I nodded towards them females across the room, "One of em my ex."

"Oh." I nodded my head. The bitch was staring before I even sat next to him; it's giving delusional.

"Gimme yo number, I'm finna head out."

I gave it to him with no hesitation!

He stood up and walked out the door and then his ex— i'm assuming, followed him out there.

None of my business though, I wasn't even trynna be in no relationship; I just want a lil fuck buddy or something till my man come home.

Question before we really get into this, the book is ALREADY completed! All of the chapters are done meaning I already decided how this gone go. Now for updates, should I do every 3 days? Less days? More? Since it's done and just sitting here.

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