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Sorry for any errors but not let's start the story

After we told Ray that we wanted to go to regular school and that Schwoz is taking his sweet time fixing swag we are still going to swellview high.Sadly last year weren't as close as we used to be me and Chapa are in the same friends group but Bose and Miles joined the football team and hang out with the jocks and cheerleaders.But after school we all go to " work" at junk n stuff and help Ray.Sometimes I wish we were back at swag all best friends and going out to the movies,fighting crime,taking money from ray for dinner.It's almost like we don't know each other anymore.But over the summer me and Bose got really close ,We had Patrol together because Ray didn't think that Bose would be a good fit goofing off with miles so here we were .Now that I told you the back story let's move on.

I woke up and looked at the clock to see that I was late For my first day of school .i jump and ran to the bathroom to get ready.I walk down stairs to find a it that miles took the car without telling me.I hates when he does that because he can teleport but to keep our powers a secret he has to drive a few times a week.I walk out the house with my headphones.half way through my walk I hear a car pull up beside me.

"Hey your Mika right,Miles sister"the voice side

"Yea,I'm sorry who are you again "I say trying to be nice

"Oh I'm James the quarterback for the football team"

I remember Miles and Bose  talking about James a his good arm or something

"Hey how are you "I say trying to keep the conversation going

"I'm good,do you need a ride your pretty far from school?"he asked

"Yea that would help a lot"

"Get in " he say unlocking that door

I walk over to the car and seat down.After some silence I look over at James,he was pretty,I never really looked at him he looks like the type of guy to smoke behind school or skip all his classes.Not the guy to play football and get straight A's.

"What,is there something on my face" He asked

"No no there's nothing" I reply looking back to the road

A small smile shows on the side of my face as we pull into the school.we walk together just time before the bell I thank James and walk over to Chapa

"Mika did you just walk in with James Cameron"she said

"yea,so" I ask

" bro every girl has a crush on him.how did you get him"

"First I didn't "get him" I was going to be late and he pulled up next to me and offered a ride." I say

"Watch out you know that all the girls are going to be jealous now" Chapa yelled walking off the class

Every girl really Chapa.it doesn't matter away James taking me to school was a one time thing it's not going to cause any drama.

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