Chapter 28

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"Son, I have to take her and check her out." The paramedic told Steve, trying to pry the boys arms. "No. No. She — she's alive. She's not dead." Steve whimpered out, holding the deceased girl closer to his body.

The paramedic looked towards Max, silently asking her for help. Max quietly sighed, looking towards Steve. "Steve," Max shakily called, "let him do his job. Please."

"Let go."

Steve inhaling shakily as his eyes raked over his lover's face, despair in his heart. Steve then let go, letting the parademic take his girl away from him.

"Come on, kids. Let's get you out of here." A police officer said, helping the two teens up. Max, Steve, and the officer made their way downstairs where they then found police officers and many more once they got outside.

Steve and Max were soon questioned by the same police officer, asking them how they knew Y/n, what they remembered happened — many questions that they grew tired in answering.

But finally the officer had let them be free of anymore intruding questions — leading them to an ambulance, where they were checked for their injuries.

After the paramedic was done checking on them, Steve and Max were left in silence — only the sounds of rushed talking and sirens being filling it.

"Steve! Max!"

Steve and Max perked up at the familiar voice — it was Nancy.

Steve felt his heart break even more as he knew he would be the one to break the news to all of them — including Nancy.

They had just rebuilt their friendship — and now it was going to perish once again.

"Are you two okay? Where's Lucas? Where's Erica?Where's Y/n?" Nancy began bombarding them with questioned, her face itched in worry.

"We're okay, Nance. Lucas is probably with Erica and Y/n's — Y/n's, um." Steve shut his eyes tightly, struggling to spit out what he so badly wanted to outright tell the girl.

"Where's Y/n, Steve?" Dustin questioned, worry written on his face as he limped closer. "She's gone." Max whispered, eyes averting away from the group.

The group stayed silent — much to Steve and Max' likeness.

"What?" Nancy questioned, voice trembling as her eyes brimmed with tears that soon began to fall. "What do you mean she's gone?" Nancy firmly asked, breathing becoming heavy and shaky.

"She's gone, Nancy. She's gone and it's all because of Jason." Steve spat out, face in his hands. "She can't be." Dustin whispered, "She can't be gone."

"How are we going to break this to Eddie?" Max suddenly asked, eyes closing briefly at the remembrance of the boy.

Dustin shook his head, "He's — he's at the hospital. He got hurt, really really badly — he almost died."

The group all felt their hearts become heavy with despair — they didn't know why they had to go through this pain. They didn't deserve this one bit.

Everyone began to break down — having been so mentally and physically exhausted.

"I — I made a promise with Y/n. I was su — supposed to — to protect Eddie." Dustin stuttered out between cries as Nancy soon enveloped him into her arms — sobbing as she mourned for her best friend.

"It's okay, Dust. It's okay. Eddie's okay." Nancy reassured through her sobs, resting her cheek on top of the curly haired boys head.

Robin tightly shut her eyes, tears rolling down her dirty cheek before she then opened it — inhaling deeply. She was in denial.

She couldn't have lost her best friend. She didn't want to believe it.

Robin's eyes soon caught sight of a body being pulled towards the ambulance — but, their body wasn't covered with a sheet like she would expect.

"I got a pulse!" The paramedic announced loudly, gathering the group of teens attention. "Y/n." Robin whispered out, "She's — she's alive."

"Guys! She's alive!" Robin exclaimed, a watery smile breaking through to her face. "We gotta get to the hospital." Steve quickly told the group, getting up from his place on the ambulance.

"Wait. We need to get Lucas and Erica still." Max said, stopping the group in their tracks. "Get them. Hurry." Steve told the gingered girl before continuing his face paced walk.

"Steve." Nancy called, getting the boy to at least turn his head towards her — still keeping his fast pace. "She's going to be okay. We didn't lose her." Nancy assured.

Steve sighed heavily through his nose, "Yeah. But we almost did."

The group had soon made it to the hospital — all dashing out of the car as quickly as they possibly could.

"Name of patient and state your relationship to the patient." The front desk lady broodingly said, an emotionless look on her face that didn't contrast with the panicky and worried look on the group of teens faces.

"Y/n Hopper, we're her family." Nancy quickly stated, a deep frown on her face. The front desk lady looked towards Lucas and Erica questioningly.

"We're extended." Lucas spoke, having remembered he'd said that once when they last came to the hospital.

The front desk lady rolled her eyes, "Whatever. She's still in surgery so you'll have to wait."

The group groaned and sighed in defeat before making their way to the waiting room — noticing a bunch of sickly people, hurt people, etcetera.

"Hawkins is split in half." Max suddenly said, brows pinched together in worry. "Yeah. But, we can worry about that later. Y/n and Eddie are our main priority." Nancy quickly said, right leg bouncing in nervousness.

"I'm going to check on Eddie." Dustin announced, "Anyone wanna come?"

A chorus of 'I will's came from Lucas, Max, and Erica. "Steve, Nance, Robin?" Dustin questioned, raising a brow. "We'll check on him later. It's best that it's just you four first." Nancy told the young teen, nodding.

Dustin nodded before limping away, only to then be stopped by Steve. "Dustin," Steve started, "don't worry about telling Eddie about Y/n — we will. Just try to divert his attention away from anything on her as much as you can, alright?"

Dustin nodded, "Alright. I'll try."

Steve nodded back before shooing the young teens away. Steve rubbed his sore eyes, feeling exhaustion taking over his heavy eyelids.

"Never did I think I would have such a fear of losing someone." Robin quietly said, "But, I do. And we were so close to losing Y/n and Eddie."

"I'm scared." Robin stated, fear filled eyes diverting towards Nancy and Steve. "We all are, Rob." Steve responded, sighing. "But, we have to do our best in trying to save Hawkins. Even if this shitty town doesn't deserve it. It's still our home." Steve admitted.

"That Vecna asshole isn't dead." Nancy firmly stated, "We all know this isn't going to end any time sooner."

"Yeah. And that's the shitty part." Steve mumbled, shaking his head.

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