to fall asleep

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In this light and L are handcuffed, on their first night
Also sorry if there's alot of pov change.

It's night, L and Light were going to sleep. Or well- Light was going to sleep.

Light pov
I was tired, and trying to fall asleep. However the felling of someone starring at me kinda makes it hard. I turn over to where Ryuzaki is sitting in his usual position on the bed. "Ryuzaki will you please stop starring at me?" "Yes, sorry light." He says as he turns the other way. About 10 minutes later, he doesn't move, and for some reason I still can't seem to sleep. I turn back to him, "are you just gonna sit there the while night? Are you not gonna work on the case? Your laptop is right there" I say, pointing to the nightstand which holds the laptop. "Yes, but Watari put a parental lock thing on it that makes it so I can't work after a certain time, because he thinks I should get more sleep." "Then why aren't you sleeping?" "Well, I can't. I've tried many times but I just can't seem to fall asleep. The only times I ever do sleep is when I'm accidentally overworking myself, or just exhausted. Which I've tried to tell Watari but he won't listen." I feel bad. Not sleeping for weeks is probably hard, even with all the sugar.does he not get bored? "Well-" I reach over to my phone on the nightstand on my side of the bed "here. Just- play a game or something. I don't want you to have to sit there and do nothing if you're not gonna sleep. If the battery gets low the charger is over here, you can just move it to your side." He takes the phone. I roll back over and look over my shoulder at him for a second. "Goodnight Ryuzaki"
"Goodnight light, sleep well"

3rd person pov
L, was not going to play a game, instead he opened up google and tried looking for ways to fall asleep. He's done this many times before but decided to look again

*two hours later*

Most of the things he saw he'd already tried. But there was one thing he had saw thar he wasn't able to try before. He went to lights side of the bed and put the phone on the charger so it would be charged for him in the morning. He put it on lights night stand, went back to his side, and crawled under the covers. He slowly moved towards light......

Light pov
*In the morning*
I wake up and feel really warm. Most of the warmth is only coming from my left side though. I look over and see why; Ryuzaki was cuddled up to me. "Ry-Ryu-zaki?" I say, as heat starts rising to my face. No response. I look at his face to see he's sleeping, and looks really peaceful too.... I sigh, and decide to fall back asleep with him, smileing.

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