Chapter 7 - Saving Charlotte Part 2

Start from the beginning

"You hurt her in any way and your dead, Drex!" Henry growled. "You let her go, right now!"

"Ooohhh," Drex laughed. "Did I strike a chord by taking Charlotte? This is even better! What could be more painful than losing someone you're in love with?"

Henry pursed his lips, hands clenching and unclenching and his heart beating a million miles a minute. He glared at the screen that held Drex's stupid face. He could see Charlotte's form in the background, drenching him in fear.

"Especially when you haven't told them yet," Drex noticed the look on Henry's face, filling him with joy.

"Look, why don't you just come out and fight us, huh?" Henry raised his arms out. "Charlotte has nothing to do with this."

"Oh, but she already has everything to do with this," Drex said. "She's friends with you. Kid Danger. She was already in the line of fire the minute you signed up as Captain Man's sidekick. And that, sweet Henry, makes her a target for the bad guys."

Henry's heart dropped knowing he was right. It hit him right to the core. How could he be so stupid? How could he let Charlotte be taken from right under his nose? Why did he let her in on his secret? Granted she found out for herself, but still!

Guilt rushed through his bloodstream as he came to terms with what Drex said. It was his fault Charlotte was taken. If he never became Kid Danger... if he never let her come work in the Man Cave she wouldn't be in harm's way. She'd be safe.

"Listen closely, Drex," Ray spoke in a low voice. "I will find you, and I'll throw you in prison for even thinking about taking my techie. You'll be sorry, and you will regret all of this."

"Seems like Captain Man also has a soft spot for the girl," Drex grinned.

"If there is even one scratch on her I swear I'll-" Henry began.

"That is entirely up to you, Kid Danger," he responded calmly. "You're in no position to make demands.

"What do you want, then?!" Ray asked through gritted teeth.

Drex smirked and said, "Give up."

"Hmm?"/ "Say again?"

"Give up being Captain Man and Kid Danger. Quit playing the superheroes of Swellview and reveal your identities to everyone. Let's see how that'll do for you."

"And if we don't?" Henry reluctantly sought, scared of what he knew the answer would be.

Drex glanced behind him, to Charlotte's body which remained lifeless. He turned back to the camera, a glint in his eyes. "I think you know," and with that, he ended the call.

Henry and Ray stood frozen, letting the information sink in. For the first time in his life, the blonde was scared. Terrified to bits. The thought of losing Charlotte, his best friend, his partner, his confidante, his everything was horrifying. He blamed himself for getting her into this situation. Into this life of crime.

It was his fault.

The only reason Charlotte entered his world in the first place was to help him.

Ray snapped out of his daze, whirling around and he began to march to the weapon's area.

"What are you doing?" Henry asked, watching their arsenal rise to view.

"Finding Charlotte," he answered, going through different types of guns.

"How? You heard what Drex said-"

"I know what he said!" Ray started placing powered guns in his utility belt. "But I'm not giving up."

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