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"Dustin! Are you ready? Steve's here!" I yell up the stairs to him, although I'm not sure when him and Steve got so close I wasn't going to say anything about the age gap. "Yeah just give me ten minutes, go distract him for me!" I sigh and do as I'm told, because if I'm honest with myself, come on... it's Steve Harrington.

"Hey, Steve!" I yell, walking down the path to him. He looked shocked to see me, probably thinking he was gonna see Dustin. "Not the Henderson I expected to see this morning, hey what's up?"
I leaned on his car and fixed my cheer skirt while I was speaking so I wouldn't have to look at him because, good God this man is other-worldly hot. "Dustin told me to come distract you because he's still getting ready, so..." I look up "here I am, always the distraction, never actually wanted there." Steve laughed and tapped the top of his car "Get in. I'll drive you both to school. Trust me, knowing the stuff these guys get into, you don't WANT to be wanted there." I raised an eyebrow as he opened the passenger seat door. "And what's that supposed to mean, Harrington?" Getting in and turning on the radio, '(I've had) the time of my life' from Dirty Dancing begins to play quietly and I laugh. "Oh- well i just mean like, you know uh- well like DND stuff, yeah. DND stuff... also that's my sisters tape, not mine."

Steve Harrington is a terrible liar.

Dustin hits the side of the car and starts yelling something at Steve through the glass and Steve just turns the volume up, swaying and dramatically singing the words. Even going as far as pretending he's holding a microphone, which of course i laugh at, because he just told me that it was his sisters tape. Dustin finally gets the picture and hops into the backseat, throwing his bag in first. "I see how it is." He sulks the whole way to school.

"Thanks for the ride Harrington." I shut the door and walk off, i turn around to see him leaning out of the car "Anytime! Let me know if you want a ride home later, I'm at Family Video until closing tonight!" I gave a nod and turn back around, bumping face first into Eddie Munson. He drops his lunchbox and scrambles to pick up the contents, my hand rushes to my nose upon instinct and also because I'm pretty sure I'm bleeding. "Don't be so dramatic, Princess. You're not bleeding." He rolls his eyes and practically yawns the sentence, I move my hand from my nose and low and behold, no blood. "Yeah well maybe if you watched where you're going I wouldn't have walked into you in the first place." He laughs at me and starts walking away. "I was stood still, you were the one talking to your boyfriend!" Huh? My boyfriend? Surely he couldn't mean Harrington. "Whatever!"

"That looked like it went well." Dustin mumbled as he went past. "I seriously can't get away from you hellfire freaks!" I yell, stomping my foot on the floor. I grab my Walkman from my bag and place my headphones on and click play, 'Every Breath You Take' by The Police filling my ears, i start walking into school praying that the rest of today goes smoother than this morning has.

I go to cheer practice and meet up with one of my friends, Chrissy. She was busy twirling her hair and making weird faces at her boyfriend, Jason as he drooled over her in her cheer uniform. They were so perfect it made me feel violently ill, so I had to do something to stop myself from throwing up on her perfectly ponytailed hair. I threw my pom-pom at her. She looked up, frown turning into a smile when she saw me.  "ELAINE!" She jumped up faster than a bullet, although I've never shot a gun so I wouldn't know, but I assume they're pretty damn fast. Then she threw her arms around me and gave me the biggest hug I'd ever had.

Every time i saw Chrissy she was more excited to see me than the last she did even if it was only 12 hours, it'd be like we haven't spoken for eight years and I love her all the more for it. "Hey! So what's the schedule for today M'Lady." I dramatically courtesy and wink at her. "Oh right I forgot to mention that its just cheer all day today, what with the pep rally being tomorrow." Shit. The pep rally. The one time of year I don't look forward to, aside from any point in winter because I hate snow.
"Right yeah, so training all day?"
"We'll not necessarily all day, after lunch we can just go home, we got permission from the principal because we need to get our uniforms ready and stuff."

Jason walked over and wrapped his arms around Chrissy's waist, followed by a swift wink at me. Gross, what's that all about? "Those uniforms that my girls look so good in." I looked at Chrissy who seemed to be totally unphased by the comment and really start to wonder what she sees in this total dickbag. I walk away from the conversation and drop my bag down onto the bench and gather my things for cheer and we all get to practicing. The moves weren't particularly hard, just remembering it all in order.

When lunch and finally rolled about, i said my goodbye's and walked straight to the canteen in hopes of getting food and walking out to the football field for some much needed me time which consisted of me smoking weed or cigarettes, whatever I usually had on me at the present moment; and eating my food.

But my plans were quickly turned into something much more dull as I walked into the cafeteria, greeted by Eddie Munson, walking atop the cafeteria tables as though it was "the plank" on a pirate ship.


Yes, I'm aware Dirty Dancing came out in 1987 and ST4 was set in 1986 but for the sake of my head canon that Steve secretly loves dirty dancing, let's pretend, kay? <3
If dates or something don't line up, just know I'm still trying to give it a 70's-90's vibe yk, also I'm not sure how you feel about first person POV's but yeah lmk.
This hasn't been proofread so ignore any mistakes please<3

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