chapter 2- weed & manipulation

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The sun was bright and everyone seemed back to before. Nobody was hung over, nobody was tired they were all just normal. It surprised her how everybody acted as if nothing had happened the night before.

Josie walked through the pre-grade garden and delicately brushed her fingers against a daisy. From inside, Hope could see the girl exploring the garden and shifted her position. Why would she care about plants?

"Benji," she called them from across the hall.

"What's up?" They said as they finally reached her side.

"You see that girl over there?" They nod. "Who is she?"

"Well actually her name is Josie, Lizzie's sister." They said while pointing at her through the window.

"Who's Lizzie?"

"The one that's lesbian for Jen. You know Jen, our dealer?"

"Oh right, the blonde... Wait, they're sisters? They look nothing alike."

"Yeah, fraternal twins." They said while rolling their eyes.

"Bro, they look like they're from whole ass different family trees." She said while staring the girl down.

"Yeah, I know. Josie's kinda sweet though. She helped me with trig last year and this year she's helping me in bio."

"She's a nerd?"

"Well, not exactly," they said. "She isn't like into Harry Potter and shit, but she is smart. So, like kind of a very virgin version of you."

"I'm flunking all my classes dude."

"Because you want to. You could get straight A's if you wanted to. Why her? You guys haven't spoken since like 1st grade."

Hope turned to look at Benji. "Holy shit, she was with us in first grade?" Benji stood gaped and scoffed.

"Dude you need to lay off whatever you're taking. You're getting memory loss."

"Who cares. Leave. I'm busy," she said while walking through the glass doors and making her way towards the bench close to the girl she needed. And suddenly, out of nowhere, none other than Hope Mikaelson appeared. With a smile, she munched on her apple while watching the girl.

"What are you doing there Jo?"

"It's Josette to you and if you must know I'm picking out some flowers."

Hope only stared and Josie grew annoyed.

"Come to make more fun of me for not 'living life'?"


"Do you need something Hope?"

"Yes, actually. You get no bitches?" A small laugh.

"I'm leaving," Josie said while attempting to walk away. While holding her in place, Hope smirked.

"No you're not."

"Who's gonna stop me?" She said while walking away with her books and a small flower.

"Me," Hope said while twirling her around and sitting her on the nearby bench. "My name is Hope Mikaelson , nice to meet you."

"I know who you are, now good day."

"You're so high-strung. You must be sexually frustrated. From getting no bitches?"

"You're infuriating," she said while attempting to walk away. However, Hope held her back and sat her close.

"Sit. Stay...." Josie interrupts.

"Let me guess, roll over?"

"Now, you're starting to get it..." Hope said while laughing.

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