2 - Spirit Week

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"I just wanna see my dad"

- ♥️ -

IT'S SOPHOMORE week this week, which we also call spirit week.

Sophome week is basically everyday there's a new theme the sophomores are following.

Today it was School spirit day and I am wearing my softball jersey and some white shorts.

I paint two stripes on each side of my face that are white and green and go downstairs and eat my breakfast.

My mom isn't using her car today, so I'm driving instead of walking with the Waltons.

I pack my bag with some lunch, snacks and my water bottle and then leave.

I drive to school and meet the Waltons and Kylee infront of the school.

Jayla is the only one that isn't wearing green and white, but Javon is wearing a green Nike tech pants with a white t-shirt and a the tech fleece jacket. Jaden is wearing his jersey and some white sweatpants and Kylee is wearing a white tank top and some green falre jeans.

We walk into the building and in my first class I finally see Kenley and Kinlee.

My bestfriends Kenley and Kinlee are both wearing their softball jersey and white shorts. We're all matching cause why tf not?

The class starts and we basically just talk all the time.

The whole day goes by and on after school I drive and watch some Gilmore girls and watch my phone.

My school day:

1st period: English

2nd period: Chem

3rd period: Spanish

4th period: maths

5th period: science

6th period: free period today

After watching Gilmore girls I change into my Nike pros, a sports bra from lulu and head to the gym.

I stay at the gym for about one to one and a half hour and whilst workouting I just listen to my music.

After the gym I stop at a place and have a smoothie and then drive home.

When I get home I make myself some dinner (cottage cheese with honey and strawberrys) and then read November 9, watch some Top Boy and go to sleep.

- Tuesday -

I wake up, do my skincare and go downstairs, eat my breakfast go back upstairs and do my makeup (covergirl clean concealer, benefit cookie highlighter, milk blush and lipstick, catrice bronzer, a white NYX eyeliner, chanel lip gloss, glossier mascara, glossier cloud paint, glossier zit stick and bring my dior lip oil, dior maximizer and glossier lip gloss)

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