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Andrew and Hudson went inside to play video games and me and Haiden were still riding on the track. Haiden was teaching me new things like how to estimate how much speed you need to clear a jump or just how to whip better. I was getting so tired because i haven't ridden in a bit and wasn't used to it. Haiden on the other hand it seemed like he never got tired i mean he does but he takes a short break and he's riding perfectly again.

I got off the track knowing what would happen if i stayed on too long when I was tired. I could hear the sound of haidens 450 behind me following me out. I put my bike on the stand and haiden followed. I took off my helmet and just rested my head on the seat of my bike too tired to move.

"you tired" haiden chuckled

i was too tired to respond so i just groaned in response.

Haiden laughed. I heard fabric rubbing together , curious i look up to see what it was. Haiden was standing there shirtless and sweat dripping down from his hair his abs were dripping sweat to-

"If i didn't know better i would say your totally checking me out right now" Haiden smirked

realizing what i was doing my face starts to heat up and i look away.

"don't worry, if i was you i would totally do the same like come on i'm shredded" Haiden says

"you flatter yourself too much" I laughed

We were both laughing and taking our gear off. I had a sports bra and nike pro shorts under my gear so i took off my jersey and pants. Haiden took off everything except his pants i'm guessing he didn't have anything under and he continued to be shirtless.

"let's head inside i'm starving" haiden says

"me too" i reply

We put our bikes in the garage and went upstairs to eat something.


"uhhh we have some chips and a butt ton of cereal if you want that" haiden says scanning the pantry for food.  

'I'll eat whateve-"

"Oh there you guys are!" Haidens mom appeared out of nowhere

"were you looking for us? Sorry i had my phone on mute" Haiden says

"yes, Olivia your mom dropped off some clothes for you i think she said it was just some PJ's and clothes for tomorrow." Marissa added

"oh sweet! Thanks so much" I answered 

"I also wanted to ask you if you were comfortable sleeping in Haiden's room because our guest room is being painted i totally understand if you don-"Marissa was saying before i interrupted her

"Yes of course there's no need to explain i get it!" i assured her

Marissa smiled at me and she looks over to haiden who's making us both a bowl of cereal and glares at him. Haiden looks up a notices her glare

"what did i do???" he says throwing his hands up in the air

I just laughed as marissa walked out of the kitchen 

Haiden hands me a bowl of cereal and sits down next to me. We get caught up on social media and stuff so we know each other's tiktok and insta i also give him my number. We also just sit  and talk about the most random stuff.

"If you don't mind can i take a shower i'm all sweaty from riding and it's getting late" I ask haiden 

"yeah you can use my bathroom in my room and i'll take one in my parents room" Haiden replies.

"where's your room?" i asked

"here i'll show you" haiden gets up and i grab the backpack my mom made me. We walked down a hallway and in one of the rooms i could hear andrew and hudson talking. We made it all the way down the hallway to the last door and haiden opened it. It was filled with a bunch of motocross trophies and posters and a shoe rack in the corner.

"damn nice room"i say examining it further

"thanks" he laughed

He points to a door in his room "that's the bathroom"

I open the door and place my bag on the counter

"woah" i say surprised

"what" haiden looks at me confused 

"it's actually clean" i laugh

"omg just take a shower" Haiden says shutting the door.


Notice how i only update at night when everyone's sleeping? well guess who has a messed up sleeping schedule :) Anyways this chapter sucked i swear it'll get better.....i hope

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