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You sit in the cafeteria on a empty table near the doors. Minding your business, daydreaming when your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by someone yelling so you turn your head towards the noise and you see none other than Eddie Munson standing on his lunch table giving some silly speech. "- Or play games where you throw balls into laundry baskets!" You heard him yell as Jason (the egoistic jock) stood up and shouted at Eddie "You want something freak?" Eddie smiled and threw devil horn signs as a reply. Disgusted Jason sat back down and Eddie climbed back down from the table. You laughed, one day that boy is gonna get killed if he doesn't stop fooling around you thought. Eddie carried on with his antics but you didn't really care, you were more interested in your food. You put on your headphones and played "Shout at the devil" by Mötley Crüe and ate your food until lunch was over.

**** time jump to later that evening****

You trudge through the rocky road walking up to a friends house. Well sort of friend. "Hey Munson you got my shit?" you yelled whilst knocking on the door. No response. "I know you're in there your van is outside, you better have my stuff!". No response. "What the fuck..." you mumbled. You noticed the lights flickering inside. "Seriously just open the door, if you don't hake my stuff I'll just take my money back" you said annoyed. Suddenly you hear a piercing scream. "Eddie? Open the goddamned door what's wrong!" you say while grabbing the door knob. Before you know it the door slams into your face and someone runs out. "Fuck" you groan as you get up. You feel something dripping down your lip to you touch for nose and feel an excruciating and piercing pain. You wince and quickly let go of nose as you look down and see your fingers covered in blood.

Looking up you see Eddie looking at you, he looks scared and shaken up. You open your mouth to say something but he beats you to it "She's dead" he whimpers. She's dead? you repeat in your head. Who's dead? You open your mouth again to ask but he beats you to it once more. "I promise I didn't do it, I- I- just went to get her what she wanted in my room and when I came back she was floating. Then she just snapped- well she didn't but her bones did. And her eyes, they were sucked back in" "Y/n I swear I didn't do it you've gotta believe me" He looked as if he were to burst into tears right there. "Eddie, calm down. Who's dead?" you asked in a calm voice. Giving him a reassuring smile. He just stared at you blankly. You repeated yourself while walking towards him. He backed away before you could get any closer and didn't answer your question. You turned to the doorway of the trailer and inside your eyes layed on a lifeless mutilated body and your heart dropped. "Oh my god...". It was Chrissy Cunningham a popular cheerleader and Jason's girlfriend.

You hear the noise of rocks being crunched together by someone's shoe so you turn around and see Eddie getting in his van. "Eddie wait!" you ran to his van and got inside. You barely got into the seat before Eddie drove out of there on full speed like a maniac. You lost your grip and bumped your head "Oww" you groan. You sit back up and look at Eddie, somehow he looked even more scared than he already was. You rummage around looking for tissue or anything to wipe the bloody mess that's on your face. After a bit of searching, you find a bandana, it was stiff but it was your only option. Reluctantly you bring it up to your nose, as you're about to use it to wipe your face it gets snatched out of your hand. You look at him completely stunned. He doesn't say a word and carries on driving. "Its your fault my nose is busted so suck it up, plus you have a million of these" you say and snatch it back and wipe your nose. After that there's just silence. You tried to make conversation but he just ignored you. Finally after what seemed like forever he stops the van and he gets out.

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