Chapter 3: Years later, A new life

Start from the beginning

Alice got up from her office to go to John's office to see, if he knows, who took it. When she got to his office, Alice knocked on the door, which she  gets a text from John saying to Alice by her reading it to herself, "Take a picture of the file and what they wouldn't take. Then, meet me at Porky's Diner, after work."

After Alice read her phone text message, Alice goes back to her office to finish up her paperwork for Alice to get her spy equipment and weapons for this mission. Alice spend the rest of the day, taking a picture of the inside and outside of the file. Then, she tired to figure out on, why John couldn't just tell her on where is the hacker, and they would have to meet somewhere and not talk at the Agentry.

After work, Alice drives her car from a spy vehicle to a normal car to Porky's Diner. When she arrived at Porky's Diner, Alice send the pictures of the file to John's phone. Then, Alice got out of her car to go inside of Porky's Diner to get a sit for John and herself.

Then, Alice sits down on a table booth, which she sees John coming in Porky's Diner. Alice waved at John as if she were saying, "Over here!" John went over to her to her table and sat across from Alice, which she says jokey, "You know my husband would be pissed to find out that I was eating with an another man."

John jokey agrees says, "Yeah, same here with my wife." Then, Alice and John laughed as that this was one of the things that they both have in common.  Alice changed the subject by asking him, "So, why did we meet here, but not at the office?"

John looked around as, if he was been watched, which he replied, "Alice, It's not safe to talk at the Agency." Alice asked John being curious, "Why?" Before John could reply, an waitress like toon came cover, which she says with a smile, "Welcome to Porky's Diner."

The waitress like toon continued by saying, "I'm Betty Boop and I'll be your server, this evening." Then, the waitress Betty asked John and Alice, "What can I get you two, tonight?" John says to Betty, "I'm just going to get cherry pop with a cheeseburger and some fries."

Betty wrote the order down, which she asked Alice, "What about you, sweetly?" Alice says to Betty, "I'm just going to get some fries and a Shirley Temple." Betty wrote the order down, which she says, "Alright, I have your orders out in a bit."

 Then, Betty took John's and Alice's orders to the cook of Porky's Diner. After Betty took John's and Alice's orders, John answered Alice with a serious look, "Because, I think that someone is spy at us at the agency and taking the information out of the missing toon for trafficking or for other minor crimes." Alice thought about hearing on the news, on the missing toon and some of the files that are missing or don't have the information at the Agency. 

Then, Betty came back to give Alice and John their food and drinks. After Alice and John got their food and drinks, they both drinked and eat their food. Then, Alice and John paid for their separated bill and went out to their cars. 

Then, Alice comes home with Peter Jr. and Jane being picked up from their friends house. Then, Jane asked her mother, Alice being spaced out like she in her own world, "Mom, are you okay?" Alice turns to Jane by replying, "Yes sweetly, I'm just really tired today from work." 

Then, Alice realized that she didn't get to feed Jane and Peter Jr., which Alice started to freak out by asking, "Peter, Jane, what do you guys want to eat?" Peter says to Alice with a worried expression, "Mommy, it's okay. Jane and I already eat dinner, at our friends house." 

Alice smile by hugging both of her kids by saying to them, "Okay good, I just wanted to make sure." Then, Alice sits with Jane and Peter on the couch to watch some TV, as her kids were busy watching TV. Alice couldn't help, but to think that she has been watched, ever scene college or maybe even longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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