Same old day

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Ritsus POV
*feels something hit my head*

"TAKANO!!!! How many times do I have to tell you to stop hitting me?!?" I screamed at my ex lover AKA boss. He just smirked at me. Frustrated, I went back to work.

I worked for 8 hours straight.

Eventually, me and Takano were the only ones at work, like usual. One of these days I wish he would just stop giving me truck loads of work all the time.

I think he also enjoys walking with me everyday after work. I, on the other hand, hate it.

I know the daily routine by this point. We go home together hand in hand, and then when I attempt to go back to my apartment, he forces me into his apartment. We then proceed to sleep together, and I wake up telling myself that today will be different. And then the process repeats.

Ugh. I'm sick of this life. I'm sick of him the most. Cant he give me some personal space for once? It's so annoying. I just want to quit manga editing, transfer to the literature department, move out of that damn apartment, and never see that damn editor in chief ever again.

But life doesn't happen like that. Here I am, continuing with manga editing and being forced to see that damn editor in chief day and night.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.


I turned around, seeing who I expected to see. The person I never want to see ever again.

"What do you want, Takano San?" I said a little annoyed. Takano put his hands up in defense.

"I just wanted to see how long you are going to be. I'm tired and I want to sleep." said Takano. Sure, you want to 'sleep'. I decided to mess with him.

"Well maybe we could go home sooner if you didn't give me so much work." I replied. I saw him flinch a little bit. He put on his jacket.

"Hey, if you can't handle the amount of work I'm giving you, then tell me." Replied Takano. As he was saying that, I put on my own coat.

As we started to walk towards the elevator, I said "I never said I can't handle it. All I am saying is that we could leave sooner if you gave me less work."

As we got on the bus, I thought to myself- first part of the process, going home together. Of course, Takano sat next to me. And like always, he put his hand on my lap and he put his head on my shoulder. And like usual, my heart started beating 10,000 miles a minute. It's like I am not used to this or something.

And then I proceed to pretend I don't even notice him like he will let go of me. I stop my tears from threatening to escape.

Finally when we get to our stop, I stand up faster than he has a chance to react, causing him to fall into the seat. I start to exit the train when I feel his hand around mine. Same old, same old.

When we reached our floor, I bolted to my apartment in an attempt to escape him. Like the usual process.

Just as I am about to unlock my apartment door, Takano grabbed me by the collar and throws me into his apartment. Also like the usual process.

Knowing the next step in the process, I put my hands in front of my face. My heart is beating madly as I wait for him to make his next moves.

Today, he decided to take me by the arms and drag me to his bed. Hmmm. Sometimes he doesn't even wait for the bed. Sometimes he immediately starts unbuttoning my pants, which causes me to start kicking him. I slowly move backwards until I'm eventually on the bed. I guess he learned from his mistake. Especially because the last time he did that, I gave him a bloody nose. He ignored the nosebleed like it was nothing.

But today, he chose a smart move. He used my arms to get me on the bed.

He laid his head on my hands, causing them to shiver madly. I shut my eyes and mouth in fear about what is going to happen next. Eventually my hands gave out, and his lips came crashing down onto my lips. My face immediately turned bright red. Damn hormones. You would think that they were used to it now. I eventually just closed my eyes, just taking whatever he is going to do to me.

After he was done, we were both breathing heavily.

When he finally calmed down enough, he stood up to take a quick whiff of a cigarette. I wonder if he is ever going to quit smoking. Probably not.

When he came back onto the bed, he immediately wrapped his arms around me and fell asleep. The last step of the process of the day- we sleep together.

I wonder if he even realizes that I am starting to get bored of all of this. I just wish that I can peel him off of me, and slowly exit his life forever. But, I guess I can't exactly do that anymore. He has his ways of re entering my life. Does he even care about my own feelings? I guess not.

I wrapped my arms around him, and fell asleep myself.

I wonder if there was a way I can remove him from my life without hurting him. I went to sleep on that thought.

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