Phone call home

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"Michael. Michael!" Maxine yelled as she heard the home phone ring "Can you bring me the phone?"

"yeah yeah I'm going," Michael said as he picked up the phone and answered it before handing it to his mother  "It's Aunt Cristina"

"Oh it's a little early in the week for a check-in," Maxine said as she took the phone "Hey Cris, whats up?"

Just then maxine dropped the knife in her hand as cris began talking on the other line. Michael who was sitting on the counter besides her then stood up in worry as he saw his mothers face drop.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Michael asked as he held her hand.

"Is she alright? Yeah. Of course I'll head there as soon as possible." Maxine then hung up the phone and looked at her son. "It's happening again, they attacked tara."

Michael just looked at his mom in shock as he picked up the phone.

"I'll call Alex and grab the guns. You pack some clothes and start the car." He said as he walked off leaving his mother in the kitchen to think.

Maxine never thought that she would be forced to go back to Woodsboro, after all she had done a pretty good job of seperating herself from the last 3 killing. The only thing setting her back is the personal connection to the victim this time. Max quickly threw together a bag of clothes for herself and her son as she loaded them into the car and sat there waiting for him.

"Alex said he'll take the first flight here that he can find." Michael said as he got into the car. Maxine nodded as she put the car into drive and raced off heading towards Woodsboro.

Soon enough the pair both arrived to the hospital in woodboro, only beating Sam by half an hour. As maxine entered the hospital she approach the desk and registered with the staff before heading to taras room with her son. Max walked in quietly as tara turned towards her and immediately burst down crying.

"It's okay honey I'm here now" Max said as she walked to tara and sat on the bed embracing her.

"He was in my house" tara said in between cries "he was going to kill amber."

"I'm so sorry this happened to you sweetheart" max said as tara gripped onto her. Michael sat in the chair as he just watched in silence.

"Where's my mom?"tara asked as she looked up at maxine.

"She's still in London. They wouldn't allow her to leave her work so she asked me to come in and check on you." Max explained as she watched taras faces drop once more.

Before maxine could say anything else on they were interupted as Tara's friends entered the room. Tara just looked over still holding onto maxine as Michael stood up protectively.

"It's okay Mikey, they're my friends." Tara explained as she finally let go of maxine and wipped her tears as michael sat back down. "Guys this is My Aunt Maxine and her son Michael"

"Nice to meet you all, I could only wish we would've been able to meet on better circumstances." Max said said as she sighed and looked at tara.

"Tara are you alright?" Wes asked as the group made their way to the empty chairs in the room.

"Im better than I was" tara said as she looked at the group of 4.

"Im sorry this happened to you, If I had left my house sooner-" amber started before being cut off by tara.

"It's not your fault. No one could have none what was going to happen, let alone stop it." She said just before being interupted by the arrival of her sister and her boyfriend. They all stood up except for max who was still sitting and holding tara. Sam just looked around the room before stopping on max 

"How you feeling?" She said to tara as she dismissed the stranger and kneeled down to look at her sister.

"You came?" Tara said as she began to get emotional again.

"Of course I came." Sam said as she looked back. "This is my boyfriend richie."

Sam quickly moved out of the way and went to greet taras friends as richie introduced himself to tara.

"These are chad, mindy, and wes"sam said as she introduced the group to richie" And amber. I used to babysit them all."

Sam stopped at Michael and Max as she looked at tara.

"Who are they?" She said as she watched as tara just leaned into maxines shoulder.

"This is Aunt Maxine and her son Michael." Tara said as max gave her a smile.

"Mom and dad don't have any sisters" sam defensively said as she looked the stranger up and down.

"Let me properly introduce myself." Maxine said as she stood up and extended her hand to sam. "I'm Maxine Loomis, Im a friend of your mothers. I've been watching over tara ever since she was 13"

"Loomis" sam repeated as silence filled the room. Max slowly put her hand down as she realized the thought going through sams and probably everyone elses head.

"As in Billy loomis?" Mindy quickly asked causing more awkward silence before Max decided to answer.

"Yes, he was my cousin. And later after his death adoptive sibling" Maxine explained as she looked at her son. "I was there that night."

"How come your character never came up in the movies?" Amber asked in suspicion.

"Because I threatened Gale Weathers with a pretty nasty law suit if my name even touched a page of her book." Maxine explained as she looked at amber. "So she rewrote everything I did and handed it to sidney or tatum"

"It doesn't matter who she is" tara said defending max as they all turned to her. "She been here for me when I need her and that's the end of it."

The group and sam just looked down in embarrassment as maxine walked back over to tara and put her arm around her. Sam quickly went to change the subject as she looked around.

"Where's mom?" Sam asked as she looked at tara who obviously looked a little upset at the question.

"She's stuck in a conference in london" tara explained as she looked at max "she called her earlier."

"Yeah for all 3 minutes" Michael mumbled loud enough for only his mother to hear to which she turned to him and glared.

"Look guys tara is really tired. Maybe we should give her some space." Amber quickly stated as she looked at the group. They all quickly agreed as they began to make their exit of the room.

"Hey Michael why don't you walk the kids to their car and find something for us to eat" maxine quickly said as he nodded and left the room along with richie. This left max, tara and sam alone in the room.

Tara once again broke down crying as sam began to comfort her while maxine moved to sit on the empty bed, giving them some space.

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