Chapter 8 | patient

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Mitsuri pov: I felt lonely when I arrived home. It was weird not getting a "goodnight" text from Obanai when it was only 6. I missed him dearly, it was never feelings like love. But it felt like losing a best friend. I wanted to tell Shinobu but I knew how that would go.
~how it would go~
Obanai broke up with me. Said mitsuri in a sad voice. Well then now you can come out. Shinobu said
She wouldn't understand why I couldn't come out I just couldn't I will never tell her... why did I even tell her I'm gay? Oh yea I had feeling for her in middle school that was why. I'm glad those days are over. But It does feel like I haven't found anyone interesting in years. Makes me feel like I'll never find love. But I guess I'll sleep it off. Maybe going to sleep at 6 is just as mesmerizing as obanai had said.. WAIT. I should just stop thinking about him.

Your pov: it was just a boring old school day again. I barely saw the pink head and I made like 1 potential friend. His name being Tanjirou. He was super nice. Like too nice. But I guess he was funny too so maybe he could be entertaining

But whatever he does is with those friends of his. And he has like 100 other friends like he's a little too popular for me... ugh how do you find people who aren't weird nowadays I hate this school I wanna go back there...

~flashback 😍😍😍~
HEYY Y/NNN!!! My friend b/f/n yelled. They came with our group and we where about to go to the arcade. Where we usually got all the jackpots in secret ways. They where the only one who new I had a crush on c/n but then again they did reject me. Which pissed me off. But then again I did have a couple of other crushes I could get with if I wanted. As we entered the arcade we saw this guy with black hair and a mask. He was creeping us out. He was with a girl with stupid pink and green hair. I wish I had never seen it. I wanted to ignore them but b/f/n stupid partner went up and told the girl some shit.

"Your hair is so dumb"
"Good luck looking like that everyday"
And things like that.
It looked like she was about to cry so the guy stepped in and beat the shit out of him. It was one of my favorite memories before he died.

~end of flashback~

Ughhh whatever I'm just going to go to sleep now. I drifted off before 7 could hit on my phone.

Next day~ mitsuri pov: obanai had been right that was the best sleep I have ever gotten....

Yay I finished I'm sorry for the inactivity I've been stuck in homework

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